
Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) – Programme 2: New Market Opportunities Equality Impact Assessment (Record and Results)

Summary of results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation Programme 2, New Market Opportunities.


1. Mise en page 1 (

2. Microsoft Word - Gender 2017 (

3. What Millennials Want From Work: Flexibility, Not Salary - The Predictive Index

4. Refer to Definitions of Protected Characteristics document for information on the characteristics


6. Skills Development Scotland – Modern Apprenticeship Statistics Q3 2020/21

7. 3.7 million young people want a job in the #GreenGB economy (

8. Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2020 (

9. A Fairer Scotland for Older People: framework for action - (

10. Manufacturing statistics in Great Britain, 2020 (


12. A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People Employment Action Plan - Progress Report - (

13. Manufacturing statistics in Great Britain, 2020 (

14. BVCA-Women-in-PE-Report-2018.pdf




18. Microsoft Word - Gender 2017 (

19. Engineering: a diverse sector - Women in STEM

20. Microsoft Word - Gender 2017 (

21. The invisible workplace accident rate - Equal Times

22. Posture could explain why women get more VR sickness than men | New Scientist

23. Women-in-STEM-report-2.pdf (

24. PwC: Scotland could see £4bn boost from levelling-up female workforce - Scottish Financial News

25. Microsoft Word - Gender 2017 (

26. *Manufacturing is defined using the 2007 Standard Industrial Classification

27. Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2020 (

28. EqualEngineers-Masculinity-Report_Final.pdf

29. Manufacturing Our Recovery Through Inclusion 160621 (1).pdf

30. Close the Gap | Statistics

31. STEM employers tackle the career break penalty - Women in STEM *Term used to describe economic impact of taking time out of labour market to look after children. Women who have spent 1 year in part time work and then worked full time, can still expect to earn up to 10% less after 15 years than those who have worked full time for the full 15 years (Francesconi and Gosling 2005)

32. Women-in-STEM-report-2.pdf (

33. Women-in-STEM-report-2.pdf (

34. Women-in-STEM-report-2.pdf (

35. Tech's diversity gap: Slow growth for minority groups (


37. Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith review (


39. Women-in-STEM-report-2.pdf (

40. The Scottish Government does not require assessment against this Protected Characteristic unless the policy or practice relates to work, for example HR policies and practices - refer to Definitions of Protected Characteristics document for details.

41. Income - Income inequality - Fundamental causes - Health inequalities - Public Health Scotland

42. 3.7 million young people want a job in the #GreenGB economy (

43. Modern Apprenticeships | Skills Development Scotland


45. In respect of this Protected Characteristic, a body subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty (which includes Scottish Government) only needs to comply with the first need of the duty (to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010) and only in relation to work. This is because the parts of the Act covering services and public functions, premises, education etc. do not apply to that Protected Characteristic. Equality impact assessment within the Scottish Government does not require assessment against the Protected Characteristic of Marriage and Civil Partnership unless the policy or practice relates to work, for example HR policies and practices.

46. See EQIA – Setting the Scene for further information on the legislation.

47. Scotland: a trading nation - (



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