Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: island communities screening assessment
Island Communities Screening Assessment (ICIA) for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.
1. Delivering Scotland's circular economy - route map to 2025 and beyond: consultation, Scottish Government, 2022.
2. Delivering Scotland's Circular Economy - route map to 2025 and beyond: consultation analysis, Scottish Government, 2023.
3. Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: consultation, Scottish Government, 2024.
4. Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030: Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, 2024.
5. Scotland's circular economy and waste route map to 2030 -, Scottish Government, 2024.
6. Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.
7. Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 – update, Scottish Government, 2020.
8. Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2024.
9. Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation, Scottish Government, 2022.
10. Just Transition – A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Scottish Government response, Scottish Government, 2021.
11. Good Food Nation (Scotland) Act 2022.
12. National Good Food Nation Plan, Scottish Government 2024.
13. Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to 2045 – Tackling the Nature Emergency in Scotland, Scottish Government, 2024.
14. Scottish Material Flow Accounts, Zero Waste Scotland, 2023.
15. 2022 Circularity Gap Report for Scotland, Circle Economy & Zero Waste Scotland, 2023.
16. Packaging Producer Responsibility Scheme, DEFRA, 2024.
17. The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations 2024.
18. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013.
19. Consultation on reforming the producer responsibility system for waste electrical and electronic equipment 2023, DEFRA, 2023.
20. Waste batteries: producer responsibility, Environment Agency, 2023.
21. Regulations: end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), Office for Product Safety and Standards, 2021.
22. Deposit return scheme, Scottish Government, 2024.
23. The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018.
24. Delivering Scotland's circular economy – A Route Map to 2025 and beyond Island Communities Screening Assessment, Scottish Government, 2022.
25. Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030 – consultation Island Communities Screening Assessment, Scottish Government, 2024.
26. Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment, Scottish Government, 2024.
27. Charging for Single-Use Disposable Beverage Cups: Consultation, Scottish Government, 2024.
28. Single-Use Disposable Beverage Cups Charge: Island Communities Impact Assessment Report: Pre-Consultation Interim Report, Scottish Government, 2024.
29. Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, 2024.
30. Circular Economy Bill: island communities impact assessment, Scottish Government, 2024.
31. Developing Scotland's Circular economy – proposals for legislation: analysis of responses, Scottish Government, 2020.
32. Fairer Deliveries for All: an action plan, Scottish Government, 2018.
33. National Islands Plan Survey: final report, Scottish Government, 2021.
34. Single-Use Disposable Beverage Cups Charge: Island Communities Impact Assessment Report: Pre-Consultation Interim Report, Scottish Government, 2024.
35. Scottish Government urban rural classification 2016, Scottish Government, 2018.
36. The nature and extent of food poverty/insecurity in Scotland, Douglas et al, NHS Health Scotland, 2015.
37. A minimum income standard for remote and rural Scotland, HIE, 2013.
38. Unpublished Zero Waste Scotland research.
39. FareShare | Fighting hunger, tackling food waste in the UK.
40. Community Fridges, Zero Waste Scotland, 2023.
41. Orkney's First Community Fridge, The Orkney News, 2021.
42. The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012.
43. Heat in buildings strategy: island communities impact assessment, Scottish Government, 2021.
44. Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system, Partial island communities screening assessment, Scottish Government, 2021.
45. Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2016, Scottish Government, 2018.
46. EPR in Scottish Highlands and Islands - Summary Report, Zero Waste Scotland, 2024.
47. The National Islands Plan survey, Scottish Government, 2021.
48. Orkney to pilot Scotland-wide deposit return scheme, Orkney Islands Council, 2021.
49. Deposit return scheme for Scotland: islands communities impact assessment, Scottish Government, 2020.
50. Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill Islands Communities Screening Assessment, Scottish Government, 2020.
51. Single-Use Disposable Beverage Cups Charge: Island Communities Impact Assessment Report: Pre-Consultation Interim Report, Scottish Government, 2024.
52. Landfill Sector Plan, SEPA, 2018.
53. EPR in Scottish Highlands and Islands - Summary Report, Zero Waste Scotland, 2024.
54. Biodegradable municipal waste landfill ban, SEPA, 2024.
55. Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review, Scottish Government, 2022.
56. National Islands Plan Survey statistics, Scottish Government, 2022.
57. Waste Data, SEPA, 2024.
58. Scottish Household waste – summary data 2021, SEPA, 2022.
59.National Islands Plan Survey 2020, Final Report, The Scottish Government, 2021
60. Zero Waste Scotland, desk-based research
61. Fairer parcel deliveries: action plan, Scottish Government, 2018.
62. Islands Green Recovery Programme: Sustainable Transport Fund project summaries, Energy Savings Trust, 2021.
63. Islands Green Recovery Programme How communities are 'greening' their development projects, HIE.
64. Islands Green Recovery Programme Summary, Inspiring Scotland.
65. National Islands Plan Survey: final report, Scottish Government, 2021.
66. SEFARI Place-based policy and its implications for policy and service delivery, SEFARI.
67. Place-based policy and its implications for policy and service delivery, SRUC, 2017.
68. A minimum income standard for remote and rural Scotland, HIE, 2013.
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