Circular economy and waste route map to 2030: island communities screening assessment
Island Communities Screening Assessment (ICIA) for Scotland's Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030.
37. An initial screening was carried out with Scottish Government and Zero Waste Scotland colleagues to identify a list of possible impacts which may apply to the strategic themes and associated interventions when they are implemented in future.
38. To focus discussion and help align potential impacts with future measures, the workshop considered each strategic theme individually. Following the workshop, desktop research was carried out to further investigate and gather existing evidence in relation to the proposals.
39. The findings of the workshop and desktop research informed the approach to engagement with island communities during the first consultation. The second consultation provided another opportunity for comments on this approach. This document has been updated following the analysis of the second public consultation responses.
40. It is important to stress that the CEWRM is a strategic high-level document. Subsequent stages to develop its interventions individually will be required to clarify the relevant policy detail to implement the commitments outlined.
41. This updated screening assessment identifies priorities for further analysis as well as areas where additional evidence-gathering is required as the detailed design of each relevant measure is developed. Detailed ICIAs will also provide opportunities for island communities, agencies, and businesses to highlight concerns, help identify appropriate mitigations, or help maximise the benefits from any associated policies in future.
42. Following the initial workshops, desktop research and screening process, several key issues were identified and were highlighted. Previous versions of this ICIA identified four ways in which island communities may be impacted differently to other parts of Scotland if implementing the interventions. These were:
- Transport
- Availability of disposal options and/or infrastructure
- Availability of products and services
- Employment and skills.
43. An initial high-level assessment of potential impacts was included and tested in both public consultations. This allowed us to seek the views of island communities to ensure that we have, as far as possible, captured all potential impacts of the CEWRM interventions.
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