The Right to Buy Land to Further Sustainable Development: information for communities

A guide for communities explaining Part 5 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 in respect of The Right to Buy Land To Further Sustainable Development.

What Land Can Be Registered?

An application to acquire land can be made in relation to any type of land/buildings including, for example:

  • brown and green field sites;
  • inland waters and canals;
  • woodland;
  • buildings;
  • schoolhouses;
  • halls;
  • churches;
  • shops;
  • foreshore.

(this list is not exhaustive, it is only for illustration purposes)

To be aware:

Ineligible land consists of a range of land including an individual's home (other than where occupied under a tenancy) and land pertaining to an individual's home. If you are unsure whether land is eligible or not, please contact the Community Land Team, who can provide further guidance.



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