Right to buy land to further sustainable development (part 5)

Collection of documents relating to the Right to Buy Land to Further Sustainable Development (Part 5) which came into force in April 2020.


This right to buy came into force in April 2020. It allows compliant community groups the opportunity to apply for the right to buy land to further sustainable development and includes salmon fishing, mineral rights and, significantly, this new right to buy allows a community body (which is subject to statutory regulation) to nominate a third party purchaser to take title to the ground being acquired.  It should be noted that this latest right to buy is an absolute right to buy, meaning a community organisation may force the sale of land even where the owner of the land is not contemplating a sale.


Email: CRTB@gov.scot

Community Land Team
Q Spur
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD

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