Review of Management Options for the Landing Obligation

Research which considers possible management options for dealing with the landing obligation

Annex 2: Interview General Questions Grid

Allocation/Management of the Uplift

In terms of managing any up-lift, what do you think the key objective should be?

What do you foresee as the best way to achieve this? i.e. allocate out to individuals or create mechanisms for POs or Government to manage some quota centrally?

What criteria for individual/ PO allocations?

In terms of a Government Buffer Pool, what do you perceive as the draw backs/obstacles to this? What are the benefits? How do you see this operating in practice?

What do you foresee as the policy solution to mitigating free-rider and open-access concerns when pooling quota?

Quota Management

What changes do you think need to happen within Scotland to facilitate the landing obligation?

What role do you see for improvements in trading? How do you see this operating? What are the obstacles/benefits?

In relation to pooling systems, what is your knowledge regarding current examples of this in Scotland?

In relation to Risk Pools, do you believe they are relevant to the Scottish situation? What do they have to offer? What are the obstacles? At what level should they be managed? For what species?

What internal management mechanisms do you see as most appropriate?

What monitoring and enforcement mechanisms needed to support this?

Monitoring and Enforcement?

How crucial to do you think adequate monitoring and enforcement will be for facilitating the ban?

How much freedom does Scottish policy have in terms of designing enforcement measures? How much steer has been given by EC?

What do you think will be required to facilitate adequate m/e? /From your experience, what would be an adequate monitoring/e system?

What is your opinion of use of observers? CCTV and REM? How would these work in practice?

Bycatch Utilisation

To what extent do you think that the issues raised regarding the requirement to land all species (depressed market prices, species will no value) will be realised?


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