Review of Management Options for the Landing Obligation

Research which considers possible management options for dealing with the landing obligation


Arnason, R. "On catch discarding in fisheries." Marine Resource Economics 9 (1994): 189-207.

Baudron and Fernandes. " Adverse consequences of stock recovery: European hake, a new "choke" species under a discard ban?" Fish and Fisheries, 2014

Borges, L. "The evolution of a discard policy in Europe." Fish and Fisheries October 2013

Boyce, JAR. "An economic analysis of the fisheries bycatch problem." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 31(1996):314-336.

Catchpole, T.L., et al. "Using inferred drivers of discarding behaviour to evaluate discarding mitigation measures ." ICES Journal of Marine Science (2013)

Catchpole, T.L., et al. "Discarding in the English north-east Nephrops norvegivus fishery: the role of social and environmental factors ." Fisheries Research 72 (2005):45-54

Catchpole, T.L., Frid, C.L.J, and T. S. Gray. "Discards in North Sea fisheries: causes, consequences and solutions." Marine Policy 29/5 (2005):421-430

Cefas. The English North Sea Catch-Quota pilot scheme- Using REM as a verification too. Final Report, July (2011)

Clucas, Ivor. A Study of the Options for Utilisation of Bycatch and Discards from Marine Capture Fisheries. FAO Fisheries Circular, No.928 FIIU/C928. Rome: FAO, 1997.

Condie, H,M., Catchpole, T. L., and Grant, A. "Reducing discard and unwanted catch; the impact of catch quotas and a discard ban on English North Sea other trawlers." ICES Journal of Marine Science (2013)

Coelho et al. "Rights Based Management and the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy: The Debate ." International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences 1/1 2011: 16-22

Condie., Catchpole, T.L., and A. Grant. "The short-term impacts of implementing catch quotas and a discard ban on English North Sea otter trawlers." ICES Journal of Marine Science, Nov 2013

Crean, K., and Symes, D. "The discard problem: Towards a European solution." Marine Policy 18 (1994):422-434

Dalskov et al., Danish Catch Quota Management trials- application and results. Danish AgriFish Agency. 2012

Diamon, S.L. "Bycatch quotas in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery: can they work?" Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 14 (2004):207-237

Diamond, D. and Beukers-Stewart, B, D. "Fisheries Discards in the North Sea: Waste of Resources or a Necessary Evil?" Reviews in Fisheries Science 19/3 (2011):231-245

European Commission. Impact Assessment of Discard Reducing Policies. Final Draft Report. (June 2011a)

European Commission. Impact Assessment of Discard Reducing Policies: Case Study Annex. (March, 2011b)

European Commission. CFP reform - the discard ban. Available: /reform/docs/discards_en.pdf. 2012

Fort Bragg Groundfish Association . Fort Bragg- Central Coast Risk Pool. Summary Report, 2011.

Gezelius, S. "Management response to the problem of incidental catch in fishing: A comparative analysis of the EU, Norway and the Faeroe Islands." Marine Policy 28 (2008): 360-368

Gillman, E., Passfield, K. and Katrina Nakamura. Performance Assessment of Bycatch and Discards Government by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. IUCN: Switzerland, 2012

Hall, Stephen, J. "Managing bycatch and discards: how much progress are we making and how can we do better?" Fish and Fisheries 5 (2005): 134-155

Hatcher, Aaron. "Implications of a Discard Ban in Multispecies Quota Fisheries." Environmental Resource Economics Sept (2013)

Heath, Michael R., Robin M. Cook, Angus I. Cameron, David J. Morris and Douglas C. Speirs. "Cascading ecological effects of eliminating fishery discards" Nature Communications 5/3893 (2014)

Holland, D.S, and Jason E. Jannot. "Bycatch risk pools for the US west Coast Groundfish Fishery." Ecological Economics 78 (2012): 132-147

Isaksen, Bjornar. The Norwegian approach to reduce bycatch and avoid discard. Institute of Marine Research, Bergen Norway. FAO library: 377555.

Jacquet, J.L. and D. Pauly. "The rise of seafood awareness campaigns in an era of collapsing fisheries." Marine Policy 31/3 (2007):308-313

Jensen, L. S, Koebbe, J, and Keith R. Criddle. Pooled and Individual Bycatch Quotas: Exploring Tradeoffs Between Observer Coverage Levels, Bycatch Frequency, Pool Size and the Precision of Bycatch Estimates. Economic Research Institute Study Papers, Utah State University, 2004.

Keller, K. Discards in the world's marine fisheries. An update. Rome: FAO, 2005

MRAG. Towards sustainable fisheries management: International examples of innovation. MRAG (2010)

North Sea Advisory Committee. The Use of Bycatch Quotas- The North Sea as a Case Study. Final Draft, 11 October 2007. Available:

Pascoe, S. Bycatch management and the economics of discarding. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 370, Rome: FAO, 1997

Pascoe, S, et al., "Use of Incentive-Based Management Systems to Limit Bycatch and Discarding." International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 4 (2010): 123-161

Petter, Jahn and Soren Eliasen. "Solving complex fisheries management problems: What the EU can learn from the Nordic experiences of reduction of discards." Marine Policy 35/2, 2011: 130-139

Pinkerton, E and Danielle N. Edwards. " The elephant in the room: The hidden costs of leasing individual transferable fishing quotas." Marine Policy 33/4 (2009):707-713

Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management LTD. A study review of the potential impact of proposed CFP discard reform. Final Report, October 2013

Teisli, M, F., Roe, B., and Robert L. Hicks. "Can Eco-Labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labelling." Journal of Environmental Economic and Management 43/3 (2002):339-359

SeaFish, "Discards- new developments 2009" Available:

Sanchirico, James N, Daniel Holland, Kathryn Quigley and Mark Fina. "Catch-quota balancing in multispecies individual fishing quotas" Marine Policy 30/6 (2006):767-766

Semmens, K A. Buffering Uncertainty: Setting Annual Catch Limits Under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006. ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing 2012

Shotton, R, Case studies on the allocation of transferable quota rights in fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 411. Rome: FAO, 2001.

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries ( STECF) - Landing Obligation in EU Fisheries - part II ( STECF-14-01). 2014.

Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, EUR 26551 EN, JRC 88869

Walker, Scott and Ralph Townsend. Economic analysis of New Zealand's Deemed Value System. IIFET 2008 Vietnam Proceedings

Wang, Jin. Modelling deemed value catch balancing regime in New Zealand multi-species fishery. The University of Auckland, 2009. Available: nload.cgi?db_name=NZAE2007&paper_id=31

Witherall, D. Pautzke, C., Fluharty, D. "An Ecosystem Based Approach for Alaska Groundfish fisheries." ICES Journal of Marine Science 57(2000): 771-777

Valdemarsen, J.M., and O. Nakken. Discard in Norwegian fisheries. Workshop on Discards in Nordic Fisheries, 18-20 November, Sophienberg, Solt, Rungsted, Denmark 2002.


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