Land acquisition powers and land ownership restrictions in European countries: evidence review

The research looks at how countries have changed their land ownership laws and the extent to which that complies with the right to property included in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Appendix C: Article 1 Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights Relevant Cases

A1P1 caselaw refers to decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in which the court considers the meaning of Article 1 Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (‘the right to property’).

ECHR Land cases:

1. Sporrong and Lönnroth v. Sweden. ECHR, 1982. Application no. 7151/75; 7152/75.

2. "Relatıng to Certaın Aspects of the Laws on the Use of Languages in Educatıon in Belgıum" V. Belgıum (Merıts). ECHR 2004. Applications nos. 1474/62; 1677/62; 1691/62; 1769/63; 1994/63; 2126/64.

3. Öneryıldız V. Turkey. ECHR 2004. Applications nos. 48939/99.

4. Affaıre I.R.S. Et Autres C. Turquıe. ECHR 2004. Applications nos. 26338/95.

5. Affaire Göksel Tütün Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.Ş. C. Turquıe. ECHR 2004. Applications nos.32600/03.

6. Bronıowskı v. Poland. ECHR. 2005a. Case of. Applications nos: 31443/96.

7. Jahn and Others v. Germany. ECHR. 2005b. Applications nos.46720/99, 72203/01 and 72552/01.

8. Hakan Arı v. Turkey. ECHR 2011. Applications no:13331/07.

9. Ziya Çevik v. Turkey. ECHR 2011. Ziya Çevik V. Turkey. Applications no: 19145/08.

10. Chassagnouao v France[GC] ECHR 1999-III, paras 75 et seq.

11. Schneiderv Luxembourg Applications no 2113/04 (ECtHR, 10 July 2007), paras 45 et seq.

12. Herrmann v Germany [GC] Applications no 9300/07 (ECtHR, 26 June 2012), paras 80 et seq.

13. Ivanova and Cherkezov v Bulgaria, App no 46577/15 (ECtHR 21 April 2016)

14. Malfatto and Mieille v France, App no 40886/06 (ECtHR 6 October 2016)

15. Kristiana Ltd v Lithuania, App no 36184/13 (ECtHR 6 February 2018)

16. Yesil and Others and Danyanikli v Turkey, App nos 26608/07 and 328/08 (ECtHR 4 September 2018 (dec))

17. Hüseyin Kaplan v Turkey, App no 24508/09 (ECtHR 1 October 2013)

18. Bittó and Others v Slovakia, App no 30255/09 (ECtHR 28 January 2014)

19. Volchkova and Mironov v Russia, App nos 45668/05 and 2292/06 (ECtHR 28 March 2017)

20. Zelenchuk and Tsytsyura v Ukraine, App nos 846/16 en 1075/16 (ECtHR 22 May 2018)

21. Kaynar and Others v Turkey, App no 21104/06 (ECtHR 7 May 2019)

22. Semenov v Russia, App no 17254/15 (ECtHR 16 March 2021)

23. East/West Alliance Limited v Ukraine, App no 19336/04 (ECtHR 23 January 2014)

EHCR Public Interest Cases:

1. McKinnon v Secretary, Department of Treasury [2005] FCAFC 142 at §§8-12.

2. Lord Reid in Brutus v Cozens [1973] AC 854 at p861C-H.

3. Pairc Crofters Limited v The Scottish Ministers 2013 SLT 308 (First Division)

4. Regina (Lancashire County Council) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [2020] 2 WLR 1

5. R (on the application of Munjaz) v Mersey Care NHS Trust [2016] 2 AC 148

6. R (on the application of X) v Tower Hamlets LBC [2013] 3 All ER 157

7. Regina (Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions [2010] AC 345

8. R (on the application of Veolia ES Landfill Ltd) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2016] EWHC 1880 (Admin)

9. Jones v Commonwealth of Australia (1963) 109 CLR 475 (High Court of Australia)

10. Nagy v Hungary (app. no. 53080/13) Grand Chamber 13 December 2016 at §113

11. Prest v Secretary of State for Wales [1983] RVR 11

12. James and others v United Kingdom (1986) 8 EHRR 123

13. A v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2005] 2AC 68 at §§113-114 & 131 per Lord Hope of Craighead and §176 per Lord Rodger of Earlsferry

14.Axa General Insurance Ltd v Lord Advocate 2012 SC (UKSC) 122 at §§32-33 per Lord Hope of Craighead and at §131 per Lord Reed.

15.Lithgow and others v United Kingdom (1986) 8 EHRR 329

16.Lekic v Slovenia (2018) 67 EHRR 10

17.Gauci v Malta (2011) 52 EHRR 25

18.Pinchova and Pinc v The Czech Republic (app. no. 36548/97; 5 February 2003) at §51

19.Zvolský and Zvolská v. the Czech Republic (dec.), no. 46129/99, 11 December 2001

20.Vassallo v Malta (app. no. 57862/09) 11 October 2011 at §§40-49

21.Paolini v San Marino 13 July 2004, ECHR 2004-VII

22.R (on the application of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd) v Wolverhampton City Council [2011] 1 AC 437 at §81

23.Mellacher v Austria (1990) 12 EHRR 391

24.Lindheim and others v Norway (app. no. 13221/08; 22 October 2012)

25.Salvesen v Riddell 2013 SC (UKSC) 236

26.Hutten-Czapska v Poland (2007) 45 EHRR 4.

27.R (on the application of Lumsdon) v Legal Services Board [2016] AC 697 per Lord Reed and Lord Toulson at §34.

28.Mellat v Her Majesty’s Treasury (No.2) [2014] AC 700 per Lord Sumption at §20

29.Lithgow and others v United Kingdom (1986) 8 EHRR 329 at §121

30.Jahn v Germany (2006) 42 EHRR 49

31.Hakansson v Sweden (1990) 13 EHRR 1

32.Hentrich v France (1994) 18 EHRR 440

33.J.A. Pye (Oxford) Ltd and v the United Kingdom, App no 44302/02 (ECtHR (GC) 30 August 2007)

34.Some cases on restitution of property and ‘specially protected tenancy’ cases (perhaps not directly relevant, but the cases mentioned may be interesting because of the Court’s line of reasoning):

35.Vikentijevik v FYR Macedonia, App no 50179/07 (ECtHR 6 February)

36.Berger-Krall and Others v Slovenia, App no 14717/04 (ECtHR 12 June 2014)

37.Perhaps interesting in light of the ‘public interest’ test (the measure was considered to serve a legitimate public interest, but it was not held to be of great weight in the eventual balancing exercise):

38.Bradshaw and Others v Malta, App no 37121/15 (ECtHR 23 October 2018)



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