
Review of the environmental and socio-economic barriers and benefits to organic agriculture in Scotland

Report of the research carried out by Harper Adams University, on behalf of the Scottish Government, into the environmental and socio-economic barriers and benefits to organic agriculture in Scotland.

Appendix 1: Basic search terms used to refine final search strategy

Basic search terms used to refine final search strategy

# Search term(s) Hits
1 Environment* AND Organic 127,358
2 Environment* AND Organic AND Agricultur* 10,507
3 Environment* AND Organic farming 5,253
4 "organic farming" 4,585
4a "Organic farm*" 5,606
5 "Organic farming" AND Environment* 1,371
6 "Organic agricultur*" 2,216
7 "Organic agricultur*" AND Environment* 754

Table 9: Population search terms (adding terms sequentially)

# Search term(s) Hits
8 Environment* OR Water* 4,564,227
9 Environment* OR Water* OR Soil* 4,934,913
10 Environment* OR Water* OR Soil* OR Biodiversity 4,988,350
11 Environment* OR Water* OR Soil* OR Biodiversity OR “Climate change” 5,061,944
12 Environment* OR Water* OR Soil* OR Biodiversity OR “Climate change” OR "rural econom*" 5,063,837
13 Environment* OR Water* OR Soil* OR Biodiversity OR “Climate change” OR "rural econom*" OR Consumer* 5,238,610
14 Environment* OR Water* OR Soil* OR Biodiversity OR “Climate change” OR "rural econom*" OR Consumer* OR Farm* 5,279,354

Table 10: Qualifying search terms

# Search term(s) Hits
15 UK AND ("Consumer Behavio*" OR "Farm* behavio*" OR "Consumer attitude*" OR "Farm* Attitude*") 336
16 "Consumer Behavio*" OR "Farm* behavio*" OR "Consumer attitude*" OR "Farm* Attitude*" 13,523

Table 11: Combined search terms

# Search term(s) Hits
17 #4 and #14 3,318
18 #6 and #14 1,629
19 #4 OR #6 6233
20 (#4 OR #6) AND #15 0
21 (#4 OR #6) AND #16 65
22 (#4a OR #6) AND #14 6750



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