
Results from the June 2016 Scottish Agriculture Census

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland, for Scotland in 2016.

Appendix of tables

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2008 to 2015 for comparison

Table 12: Number and area of holdings by main farm type, total from Standard Outputs (1) and Standard Labour Requirements (2), 2016

Main farm type Holdings Hectares Total from Standard Outputs (£) (3) Average Standard Outputs per holding (£) (3) Standard Requirements
Specialist Cereals 2,496 257,832 192,546,640 77,142 2,034
General cropping 1,738 254,659 334,045,907 192,201 4,383
Specialist horticulture & permanent crops 720 21,028 232,917,601 323,497 5,849
Specialist pigs 236 10,594 42,344,752 179,427 634
Specialist poultry 852 11,740 171,794,483 201,637 1,687
Specialist dairy 768 113,459 308,516,471 401,714 4,819
LFA Cattle and sheep 14,517 3,151,601 653,450,389 45,013 22,490
Non-LFA Cattle and sheep 2,475 120,822 121,035,293 48,903 2,763
Mixed holdings 5,225 284,171 280,809,108 53,743 5,300
General cropping ; forage 21,313 1,368,059 67,140,965 3,150 1,189
Unclassified 1,556 58,187 0 0 319
Total 51,896 5,652,152 2,404,601,610 45,494 51,468

(1) Standard Outputs represent the estimated farm-gate worth (£s) of crops and animals without taking account of the costs incurred in production.
(2) Standard Labour Requirements represent the estimated full-time equivalent ( FTE) labour required to farm the crops and animals on the holding 1 Standard Labour Requirement ( FTE) = 1900 hours per year.
(3) The total amounted generated (in £) using the individual SOs on each farm type listed
The individual SO coefficients for crops and livestock are listed here:


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