
Results from the June 2016 Scottish Agriculture Census

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland, for Scotland in 2016.

Appendix of tables

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2006 to 2015 for comparison

Table 2a. Area of vegetables for human consumption, bulbs & soft fruit grown in the open 2006 to 2016

From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments). This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings, collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results. This change in the underlying data source constitutes a step change in the data series, which is more evident for certain land use categories.

b Step change - use of SAF Data
2006 2007 2008 2009 (1) 2010 2011 (2) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Vegetables for human consumption
Peas for canning, freezing or drying 3,845 3,793 4,478 6,296 6,549 6,276 6,553 6,559 6,922 7,029 7,540 7.3%
Beans for canning, freezing or drying 296 373 425 899 1,011 996 1,193 1,153 1,018 1,469 1,789 21.8%
Turnips/swedes 1,654 1,773 1,803 2,050 1,878 1,614 1,595 1,644 1,516 1,479 1,491 0.8%
Calabrese 1,043 991 968 1,315 1,328 1,276 1,170 1,325 1,304 1,513 1,575 4.1%
Cauliflower 444 322 336 156 235 265 167 152 186 218 309 41.2%
Carrots 2,195 2,400 2,328 2,488 2,868 2,463 2,533 2,836 3,100 2,877 3,252 13.0%
Other vegetables 2,021 2,365 2,165 2,807 2,611 2,355 2,219 2,233 2,217 2,086 2,211 6.0%
Total vegetables 11,314 11,778 12,267 16,012 16,479 15,246 15,430 15,902 16,262 16,672 18,168 9.0%
Bulbs, flowers & hardy nursery stock 950 909 987 1,048 1,014 1,037 1,174 1,185 1,276 946 942 -0.5%
Soft fruit grown in the open
Strawberries (2) 769 809 919 946 931 783 186 141 95 23 73 217.3%
Raspberries (2) 426 477 544 577 540 460 205 185 123 148 128 -13.7%
Blueberries : : : : : : : : 18 35 18 -49.9%
Blackcurrants and other fruit 512 500 404 502 443 423 417 458 432 391 386 -1.3%
Total Soft Fruit grown in the open 1,706 1,787 1,866 2,025 1,913 1,666 808 783 668 597 604 1.2%

(1) From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments). This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results.
(2) From 2011 onwards, areas of strawberries and raspberries include areas grown under glass as well as areas grown in the open field.
Figures prior to 2010 only include areas grown in the open field
b break in time series
: not available - question wasn't previously asked on the June Agricultural Census (blueberries were included in other fruit until 2014)
z not applicable

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2006 to 2015 for comparison

Table 2b. Area of crops grown under cover and total soft fruit 2006 to 2016

From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Single Farm Payments. This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings, collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results. This change in the underlying data source constitutes a step change in the data series, which is more evident for certain land use categories.

b Step change - use of SAF Data
2006 2007 2008 2009 (1) 2010 2011 (2) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Glasshouses and walk-in plastic structures
Walk in plastic structures 80 104 70 150 158 344 1,000 1,004 1,078 1,233 1,295 5.0%
Glass clad structures 30 24 28 29 28 31 39 34 42 38 37 -1.2%
Total plastic and glass clad structures 110 128 98 180 186 376 1,039 1,038 1,121 1,271 1,332 4.8%
Area of crops grown under cover:
Tomatoes 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 -29.5%
Strawberries : : : : : 218 699 771 818 916 920 0.4%
Raspberries : : : : : 54 186 175 188 203 199 -2.0%
Blueberries : : : : : : : : 27 85 115 35.2%
Other fruit 55 55 20 113 112 40 38 36 42 5 39 669.6%
Vegetables 2 8 12 11 10 10 11 12 9 9 10 8.7%
Bedding and pot plants 15 15 19 20 20 22 23 17 16 15 14 -5.3%
Hardy Nursery Stock 8 14 14 13 15 12 13 15 14 16 12 -25.1%
Unused area : : : : : : : : : 20 23 11.9%
Soft fruit grown in open and under cover
Strawberries (2) 769 809 919 946 931 1,001 885 911 913 939 993 5.7%
Raspberries (2) 426 477 544 577 540 514 391 361 311 351 326 -7.0%
Blackcurrants 396 363 269 312 311 282 276 295 308 314 302 -3.8%
Blueberries : : : : : : : : 45 120 132 10.3%
Tomatoes 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 -29.5%
Other fruit 170 192 155 302 244 180 180 198 166 81 122 49.6%
Total soft fruit 1,764 1,844 1,889 2,140 2,028 1,981 1,734 1,769 1,746 1,809 1,878 3.8%

(1) From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments). This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results.
(2) From 2011 onwards, areas of strawberries and raspberries include areas grown under glass as well as areas grown in the open field.
Figures prior to 2010 only include areas grown in the open field
b break in time series
: not available - question was not asked previously on the June Agricultural Census (blueberries were included in other fruit)


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