
Results from the June 2016 Scottish Agriculture Census

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland, for Scotland in 2016.

Appendix of tables

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2008 to 2015 for comparison

Table 11: Holdings by tenancy type 2008 to 2016

b More accurate tenancy data available
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Holdings with rented land by tenancy type: holdings
SLA (1) 98 94 112 119 124 156 149 74 74 0.0%
91 Act tenancy 6,441 6,723 6,497 6,327 6,100 5,086 4,993 4,904 4,731 -3.5%
91 Act Ltd Ptnship 958 721 613 546 539 553 532 518 503 -2.9%
SLDT 509 526 506 539 551 648 834 945 1,070 13.2%
LDT 205 247 259 289 322 389 528 557 647 16.2%
Total holdings with rented land (not crofts) (2) 8,047 8,144 7,806 7,637 7,450 6,598 6,725 6,609 6,587 -0.3%
Rented crofts 11,226 11,220 10,269 10,350 10,339 10,741 10,124 10,167 10,002 -1.6%
Area of rented land by tenancy type: (3) hectares
SLA (1) : : : : : : 5,295 3,126 2,889 -7.6%
91 Act tenancy : : : : : : 793,558 796,701 750,125 -5.8%
91 Act Ltd Ptnship : : : : : : 155,959 156,897 145,461 -7.3%
SLDT : : : : : : 111,624 110,097 160,343 45.6%
LDT : : : : : : 104,501 97,923 111,949 14.3%
Total holdings with rented land (not crofts) : : : : : : 1,170,937 1,164,744 1,170,766 0.5%
Area of rented croft : : : : : : 155,182 154,981 148,779 -4.0%

(1) The apparent drop in SLA holdings between 2014 and 2015 is a result of more accurate SLA tenancy information becoming available, rather than reflecting a genuine decrease
(2) The total number of holdings with rented land does not equal the sum of holdings with each tenancy type as a holding may hold more than one type of tenancy agreement
(3) Prior to 2014, the area of rented land by tenancy type is incomplete. From 2014 holdings not returning tenancy data have been estimated using the same method as for estimating the number of holdings with rented land
b break in time series
: not available - data is incomplete


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