
Food and drink in schools: consultation analysis report

An analysis of responses given on the nutritional requirements for food and drink in schools.

Overview of Responses to the Consultation

A total of 1,359 responses were received and all five questions were open questions. The overwhelming majority of responses (1,280 in total) were submitted by individuals whilst 79 were submitted by organisations. Despite the comparatively small number of organisational responses, there were a wide range of organisations represented with responses from local authorities; NHS Boards; the food and drink sector; parent groups; bodies representing the dental profession and organisations with an interest in diet.

All respondents were given the option on whether they wished their responses to be published; to submit their responses anonymously; or for their responses to be anonymised in reporting. Prior to publication, all responses were moderated to ensure that they contained no inappropriate language or any information which could potentially identify individuals by name.

1,259 out of 1,359 respondents gave consent for their responses to be made public, with 69 out of the 79 organisational responses giving consent for their responses to be published. All published responses have been made available on the consultation hub page on the Scottish Government’s website. The consultation hub on nutritional requirements for food and drink can be accessed through the following link: .

The consultation questions asked specifically about the nutritional content of school food and drink provision. Comments relating to how food and drink in schools Regulations could be implemented were included in the responses. While these comments will not be used directly to inform decisions about changes to the school food and drink Regulations they will be considered as part of updating the associated guidance to local authorities and schools as they implement the updated school food and drink Regulations locally.



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