Post-2020 global biodiversity framework - Edinburgh Process: report

This report details the outcomes of the Edinburgh Process for subnational and local governments and Edinburgh Declaration relating to the post-2020 biodiversity framework.


29. The Edinburgh Process has resulted in a broad online consultation, engaging with more than double the number of participants than was originally envisioned and allowing a wider range of views to be captured from the subnational constituency. Subnational participation in the process to develop and deliver upon a new global framework and set of targets are critical, and the outputs of the Edinburgh Process are intended to make positive and transformative actions for biodiversity. Given that only 14% of Edinburgh Process respondents have been engaged by their National Focal Point there is still much to do in developing multilevel co-operation and vertically integrated approaches to biodiversity action.

30. Through regional online sessions, the Edinburgh Process was introduced to subnational and local representatives across the globe, and was recognised by the Open Ended Working Group co-chairs as an important part of the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. In addressing the key challenges for biodiversity over the coming decade - the direct and indirect drivers for biodiversity loss; setting a new social and economic paradigm around sustainable production and consumption - it will be essential to find a way to achieve multilevel co-operation. The co-chairs stressed the importance for the subnational constituency in engaging with like-minded Parties, to enable greater contribution and engagement within the post-2020 framework.

31. Through the Edinburgh Declaration, SNLG have demonstrated their willingness and commitment to making transformational change for nature over the coming decade and beyond. As this consultative process shows, SNLG across the world have a key role to play and in many cases are in the forefront of implementing change. Subnational governments, city and local authorities are willing to work actively with Parties within their competencies to achieve the goal of living in harmony with nature however it is essential that national governments cooperate with, and include, their sub-national counterparts to ensure coordinated approaches across all levels of government.

32. Dialogue with the global subnational constituency has highlighted the strong role that SNLG has to play across the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, particularly with respect to monitoring and implementation elements, to ensure uptake and delivery of actions for positive biodiversity outcomes at regional and local levels. Therefore a version of this report focused on the role of SNLG in monitoring and reporting elements of the framework is prepared for submission into the twenty forth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-24) as an information paper.

33. The Edinburgh Process consultations have resulted in a clear call for parties to adopt the greater inclusion of SNLG in the implementation of the convention, through a new dedicated decision for subnational governments, city and local authorities to replace decision X/22. The Edinburgh Process outcomes have informed a draft decision, 15/x, which has been submitted to SBI-3 under agenda item 11 on 'Mainstreaming of biodiversity within and across sectors and other strategic actions to enhance implementation'. A version of this report focused on implementation aspects was also submitted as an information paper for SBI-3.



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