Post-2020 global biodiversity framework - Edinburgh Process: report

This report details the outcomes of the Edinburgh Process for subnational and local governments and Edinburgh Declaration relating to the post-2020 biodiversity framework.

Views of the subnational constituency on the plan of action on subnational governments, cities, and other local authorities for biodiversity (2011-2020)

20. One of the main objectives of the Edinburgh Process was to consult the subnational and local government constituency on the current Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities, and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity (2011-2020), adopted under Decision X/22. To this end, a review document on the current PoA was co-produced by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, the Group of Leading Subnational Governments toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (GoLS), Regions4 Sustainable Development (Regions4), Government of Quebec and the Scottish Government. It included recommended elements for a stepped-up decision and renewed PoA, and formed the basis for the consultations. The review document was shared with respondents and they were invited to provide inputs on the recommended elements through an online consultation document.

21. The current Plan of Action (PoA) concludes its 10-year implementation term in 2020, with no successor to guide biodiversity actions for subnational and local governments in the same way over the coming decade. Building on the invitation in Decision 14/34 to participate in the post-2020 process and shape the new global biodiversity framework, ICLEI, Regions4, the European Committee of Regions, and GoLS committed to mobilising and coordinating subnational and local action and contributions to the Action Agenda for Nature and People on the journey to COP 15; and to the associated consultation and negotiation process on the post-2020 GBF. This commitment was made at the 6th Global Biodiversity Summit of Local and Subnational Governments, held in parallel to CBD COP 14 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The Edinburgh Process provided opportunity for reflection on the role and contribution of subnational and local governments, and for communicating this constituency's ambitions to the post-2020 GBF process. Outcomes of the consultation are set out in Annex 2, with key points and reflections set out below;

  • Respondents had a good understanding of the current PoA, indicating that it has been widely used by subnational and local governments, therefore renewal is appropriate.
  • Whilst notable progress has been made across all aspects of the PoA in the last decade, particularly on knowledge sharing and peer exchange, there is room for improvement in all areas, pointing to the need for a stepped-up Decision and renewed Plan of Action to replace Decision X/22.
  • Respondents identified the following areas needing improvement:
    • greater vertical integration of policies and plans (NBSAPs in particular);
    • strengthen resource access and mobilization, and capacity building for subnational and local governments;
    • improved integration of subnational networks and global platforms, and to develop tools, guidelines, plans, and programmes with the support and participation of subnational and local governments, NGOs and civil society;
    • more inclusivity and flexibility of policies and guidelines at subnational levels;
    • development of Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) initiatives and programmes at each level of government, addressing language barriers and use of non-technical language;
    • a more unified and standardized reporting system at global, national, regional & local levels; and
    • flexible resource mobilisation mechanisms, to allow the decentralisation of re-allocation funds to subnational and local levels.
The call for a stepped-up dedicated Decision and renewed Plan of Action 22. The Edinburgh Process consultations resulted in a clear message from subnational and local governments, calling on Parties to increase the ambition and renew Decision X/22 at COP 15 by adopting a stepped-up decision and Plan of Action on subnational and local governments that is more ambitious than the current PoA.



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