Post-2020 global biodiversity framework - Edinburgh Process: report

This report details the outcomes of the Edinburgh Process for subnational and local governments and Edinburgh Declaration relating to the post-2020 biodiversity framework.

The Edinburgh declaration

23. The Edinburgh Declaration for subnational governments, cities and local authorities on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework [1] is a key output of the Edinburgh Process. It represents the high level political objectives of subnational and local governments in relation to the post-2020 GBF and highlights subnational views on the framework, and it's implementation, to CBD Parties. 24. Since the 9 th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP9) in 2008, Global Biodiversity Summits of cities and subnational governments have emphasised the role and contribution of all levels of subnational governments and resulted in COP decisions focused on their full engagement. The Edinburgh Declaration should be understood in the context of previous meetings of subnational governments, i.e. Aburrá Valley - Medellin Declaration of Metropolitan Areas to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework [2]; Carta de Sao Paulo [3]; Sharm El-Sheikh Communiqué for local and subnational action for nature and people [4] and Quintana Roo Communiqué on mainstreaming local and subnational biodiversity action [5]. Indeed the Edinburgh Declaration aligns to, and builds upon each of these communiques. 25. The Scottish Government and the Edinburgh Process partners developed the draft declaration which was open for online consultation from 26 June until 24 July, 2020. Forty-two representatives from a wide spectrum of national and subnational governments, cities and local authorities, NGOs, academia and the public used this opportunity to contribute to the consultation by submitting comments and suggestions. 26. The vast majority of respondents (92%) agreed with the commitments outlined in the draft declaration, and no-one who responded commented negatively. Most of the respondents agreed that the subnational constituency have played, and will play, key roles in delivering upon globally agreed targets, and advocated strengthening the role of certain stakeholder groups, e.g. indigenous people, NGOs, cities and the private sector. Taking into consideration the consultation comments, the Scottish Government and Edinburgh Process partners finalised the Declaration text. 27. The final Edinburgh Declaration, set out in Annex 3, was published on 31 August, 2020, and signed by the Scottish Government and Edinburgh Process Partners and will remain open for signature until COP15. The Declaration calls on States Parties to:

I. take strong and bold actions to bring about transformative change;

II. recognise the vital role of subnational governments, cities and local authorities, in delivering the post-2020 global biodiversity framework;

III. support the adoption of a new dedicated Decision and Plan of Action for subnational governments, cities and local authorities within the post-2020 global biodiversity framework;

IV. establish a multi-stakeholder platform that ensures representation of subnational governments, cities and local authorities to support the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

28. The Declaration also sets out ten commitments from SNLG with regard the post 2020 global biodiversity framework. These set out how SNLG will work to deliver the framework, including by:
  • recognising the overall value of nature and integrating it into planning, management and governance instruments;
  • implementing appropriate actions that deliver on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework goals and action targets;
  • aligning biodiversity strategies and actions, and our monitoring and reporting efforts with NBSAPs;
  • increasing resource mobilisation;
  • mainstreaming biodiversity across public, private and business sectors;
  • communicating, educating and raising public awareness;
  • strengthening capacity building;
  • providing opportunities for knowledge exchange;
  • sharing best practices across subnational, city and local levels;
  • delivering convergence with other intergovernmental agreements and processes.



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