Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on children, young people and families - evidence summary July 2020

Summary of Scottish and UK evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and young people.


1. Child Poverty Action Group (2020) Families Hit Harder Because Nothing for Children in Covid-19 Response & a. ISER/University of Essex (2020) Covid-19 Survey: Briefing Note: Wave 1 April 2020

2. JRF and Save the Children (2020) A lifeline for our children: Strengthening the social security system for families with children during this pandemic

3. IPPR Covid-19: How are families with children faring so far?, 14 May 2020


5. See Research in Practice website: Domestic abuse in the coronavirus epidemic (April, 2020).

6. Brooks, S. et al (2020) The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence. The Lancet.

7. Wang G, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Zhang J, Jiang F. (2020) Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Lancet.

8. Wang G. et al (2020) Ibid.

9. Bryant, D., O0, M. & Damian, A. (2020) The Rise of Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy; 2020 Jun 18.

10. Loades ME, Chatburn E, Higson-Sweeney N, Reynolds S, Shafran R, Brigden A, Linney C, McManus MN, Borwick C, Crawley E, Rapid Systematic Review: The Impact of Social Isolation and Loneliness on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in the Context of COVID-19, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2020), doi:

11. Orben, A., Tomova, L. & Blakemore, S. (2020) The effects of social deprivation on adolescent development and mental health. The Lancet: Child and Adolescent Health, Published:June 12, 2020 DOI:

12. Liberty, K. (2017) School-wide strategies for reducing stress and promoting healthy learning environments: Effects of interventions. Paper Presented at the 10th Educational Psychologists Forum, Wellington, New Zealand, 26-27 November 2017

13. Liberty, K. (2017) Ibid.

14. Kar, N. (2009) Psychological Impact of Disasters on Children: Review of Assessment and Interventions. World J Pediatr. 2009 Feb;5(1):5-11. doi: 10.1007/s12519-009-0001-x. Epub 2009 Jan 27.

15. Schreeinga, & Zeenah, 2008 & Delamater & Applegate, 1995, Cited in Liberty, K. (2017) Ibid.

16. Laplante, Brunet, Schmitz, Ciampi, & King, 2008, cited in Liberty, K. (2017) Ibid.

17. Alisic et al., 2014; Contractor, Layne, Steinberg, Ostrowski, Ford & Elhai, 2013; Shaw, Espinel & Schultz, 2012, cited in Liberty, K. (2017) Ibid.

18. Breslau, 2009; Chu & Lieberman, 2010; Delamater & Applegate, 1995; Fairbank & Fairbank, 2009; Laplante, Brunet, Schmitz, Ciampi, & King, 2008; Scheeringa, 2014, cited in Liberty, K. (2017) Ibid.

19. Behavior Problems and Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in Children Beginning School: A Comparison of Pre- and Post-Earthquake Groups

20. As described here

21. Dalton, L., Rapa, E. & Stein, A. (2020) Protecting the psychological health of children through effective communication about COVID-19. The Lancet: Child and Adolescent Health. VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5, P346-347, MAY 01, 2020.

22. Danese, A. et al (2020) Child and adolescent mental health amidst emergencies and disasters. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2020) 216, 159–162. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2019.244

23. Wang, G. et al (2020) Ibid.

24. Zhou, X. (2020) Managing psychological distress in children and adolescents following the COVID-19 epidemic: A cooperative approach. Psychol Trauma ; 2020 Jun 18.

25. Loades., M. et al (2020) Ibid.

26. Bryant, D. et al (2020) Ibid.



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