
Primary care - public understanding and perceptions survey: analysis report

Findings from a survey run by the Scottish Government and The Scottish Centre for Social Research to understand public perceptions of primary care in Scotland.

2. Aims and Objectives

The Scottish Government is committed to tracking the implementation and impact of these changes through the national primary care monitoring and evaluation strategy[3].

This includes two outcomes which focus on people:

  • We are more informed and empowered when accessing primary care.
  • Our experience of primary care is enhanced.

In order for primary care reform to meet these intended outcomes, the public need to be aware, willing and able to adapt to these changes.

Therefore, in January 2022, the Scottish Government commissioned research to understand the outcome of reforms for Scottish people. Specifically, it commissioned a survey to assess public understanding, perceptions and experiences of primary care in the context of recent reforms and the COVID-19 pandemic. This work sought to understand questions related to three research themes:

1. What & Where: finding health and service information

  • Are the public aware of the increasingly diverse range of services and ways of accessing them?
  • Are the public aware of the different professionals available through primary care?

2. Who: trust, confidence and experience with professionals

  • How are the public accessing and using these different services?
  • How do the public perceive different primary care professionals and the advice they offer?

3. How: access and barriers to primary care

  • Who is not accessing these services?
  • What factors or barriers might be preventing people from accessing care?



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