
Procurement - print and associated services 2023: framework agreement - buyer guide lot 1

This framework agreement is for the supply of print and associated services (2023) - Lot 1 (litho / digital / web print services).

Key objectives of the framework agreement

The key objectives of this framework agreement are to:

  • consistently deliver a service to excellent quality standards
  • deliver a value for money service
  • meet a wide range of customer requirements in a secure, open and honest manner
  • meet deadlines required by the framework public bodies
  • continuous improvement throughout the term of the framework agreement
  • provide a flexible service in response to the changing requirements of the framework public bodies

The contractor shall be required to deliver a range of services such as, brochures, flyers, postcards, burst bound books, posters, business stationery, reports, forms and pads. The scope of services covered under the framework are listed below, but not limited to:

Production management

The contractor shall provide a production management service, offering advice and assistance regarding the most cost-effective method of delivering a Job to meet the required purpose and specification taking into account environmental aspects.

Print production

The contractor shall be required to deliver the following, in varying volumes:

  • No Carbon Required (NCR) pad sets
  • pads that may be bound with card covers
  • forms
  • reports
  • brochures
  • publications
  • prospectuses
  • leaflets
  • flyers
  • z-fold, concertine and roll-fold cards
  • pamphlets
  • newsletters
  • annual reports
  • corporate plans
  • questionnaires
  • certificates
  • business cards
  • envelopes
  • tickets
  • postcards
  • environmentally friendly plastic cards
  • broadsheets / maps
  • posters
  • business stationary
  • print packaging
  • small mailings and occasional fulfilment requirement
  • printed casenote folders
  • other services as required by the framework public body

Print finishing services

In addition to print services, the contractor shall be required to deliver a full range of finishing services set out as below:

  • binding including perfect binding
  • burst binding
  • saddle stitching
  • wire and comb stitching
  • wire o binding
  • drilling
  • die cutting
  • folding
  • varnishing
  • laminating (including dry-wipe and antibacterial laminate)
  • trimming
  • creasing
  • collation
  • indexing
  • perforation
  • numbering
  • hand finishing
  • hand collating
  • gluing
  • padding
  • heat sealing
  • foiling
  • embossing
  • debossing
  • spot uv
  • other services as required by the framework public body

Binders and wallets

The Contractor shall be able to supply a range of standard and bespoke sized and designed binders, wallets and folders in a range of material including but not limited to papers, boards, PVC and plastics; where applicable, materials should be from recycled content and fully recyclable.

The Contractor shall be able to offer printing services including any separators to be inserted into the binders, wallets and folders on a range of substrates including paper, boards and plastics. The Contractor shall be able to source any printed items for insertion into final binders, wallets and folders including the collation of these into the folders, binders and wallets.

Paper over board products

The Contractor shall produce paper overboard products as required and produce ring binder slips cases, point of sale and packaging on an ad hoc basis.

Stock holding / storing / distribution

The Contractor shall be able to provide a stock holding and stock call off facility for all finished goods. The cost for stock holding, where required, shall be included in the total cost of the Print job. Facilities to store print for Framework Public Body call off / distribution may be required.

Online services

The Contractor shall be able to provide an online upload File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Drop box facility for artwork files during each Working Day (of which it is anticipated that FPB’s would be provided access to this facility as required). In addition, the contractor shall provide a facility for print ready artwork files for each project and typesetting (as required).


The Contractor shall provide a proofing service that includes, but is not limited to:

  • high resolution digital proofs PDF or printed - calibrated to printing press
  • low resolution digital proofs PDF or printed - content proofs, plotter proofs, inkjet proofs, scatter proof
  • wet proofs
  • a facility to press check (where requested)
  • provide fully made up ‘book’ proofs
  • high resolution digital proofs PDF or printed – Digital and Cromalin proofs produced on pantone calibrated printers
  • wet proofing service (produced on either litho or digital print presses using the exact stock paper to be used for finished product)
  • press pass proofing – usually for high profile and volume based jobs
  • on-line proofing - including but not limited to the marking up and document tracking process of alterations made. please note that some framework public bodies may exceptionally send artwork via other methods which should be accommodated


The Contractor shall provide a proofing service that includes, but is not limited to:

  • high resolution PDF proofs
  • low resolution PDF proofs
  • high resolution hard copies digital proofs which are calibrated to printing press
  • low resolution hard copies digital proofs - content proof, plotter proof, inkjet proof, scatter proof
  • wet proofs – produced on either litho or digital printing presses, using the exact stock paper which will be used for the finished product (including foiling / embossing / die-cutting)
  • fully made up ‘book’ proofs
  • press pass proofing – usually for high profile and high volume based jobs
  • on-line proofing - including but not limited to the marking up and document tracking process of alterations made. Please note that some Framework Public Bodies may exceptionally send artwork via other methods which should be accommodated

Where errors appear in the printed matter, the Contractor will immediately discuss with Framework Public Bodies to agree the reparative action that will be taken and determine if corrections should be made.

The Contractor must be able to provide thorough proof checking assuring an error free process. No charges will be made unless the errors can be fairly attributed to the Framework Public Body.

Pre-press services

The Contractor shall provide a full range of prepress services including but not limited to plate making. When undertaking the platemaking process The Contractor should consider what measures are in place to eliminate or reduce chemical usage and actively work towards minimising waste. The Contractor must also have the ability to accept PDFs and native files created in commonly used software packages.

Pre-flight processes shall be integrated within the workflow to ensure that potential output errors within PDFs and native files are identified immediately and appropriate remedial actions implemented. For PDF workflows the Contractor should provide custom pre-sets or specify the preferred standard press pre-set required.

Demonstrable methods shall be in place to ensure implementation of accurate International Colour Consortium (ICC) profiles to deliver colour accuracy and consistency using coated and uncoated paper stocks.

Upon request, the Contractor shall be able to provide Framework Public Bodies with an editable copy of the final print file; this may be as a PDF or in the native file format.

Sourcing raw materials

The Contractor shall source all raw materials required for the printing and finishing process including but not limited to paper and board stocks. The Contractor shall be able to offer a range of papers in recycled, virgin and appropriately accredited stocks. If requested by a Framework Public Body, the Contractor must be able to supply paper which meets the Government Buying Standards.

The Contractor should also demonstrate use of vegetable-based inks and the measures in place to eliminate or neutralise chemical usage and waste of such chemically based consumables used. The Contractor shall make every effort to ensure that all materials being sourced (where applicable) should be fully recyclable at end of life.


The Contractor shall be able to provide typesetting services, if required. This would typically involve working from digital or hard copy files supplied - which could include straight text, material to be output as graphs or charts, images and logos and formatting these appropriately, proofing, correcting and creating print ready files. Some material may require to be input or rekeyed. These files shall belong to the Framework Public Body.

Fulfilment and distribution services

The Contractor shall hold, update and make available on request standard distribution lists used by the Framework Public Bodies. These lists shall be used to distribute, on demand, printed materials produced and shall be available to the Framework Public Bodies at all times.

The Contractor shall prepare documents for distribution, copying, addressing, labelling, packaging and placing in external and internal transit envelopes as necessary to meet the requirements of the Framework Public Bodies. The output must be delivered by the Contractor to the Framework Public Body’s nominated address(es), adhering strictly to any restrictions or special security measures which are advised to the Contractor by the Framework Public Body. Packaging should be kept to a minimum and should be made of recycled content as well as being recyclable. Wherever possible alternatives to plastic packaging should be sought. Adhesives should be non-toxic where possible and gum tape rather than plastic tape should be used.

The Contractor must prioritise the supply of Orders appropriately.

The Contractor shall be advised on a Job-by-Job basis which lists are to be used for distribution purposes. The Contractor shall also be notified of any additional addressee details for specific projects. For each Job, the Framework Public Body shall notify the Contractor of the number of copies to be sent to each addressee where this is more than one copy otherwise the Contractor shall assume that one copy only per addressee is to be sent.

Reprographics services

The Contractor shall provide a Reprographic Service which will include, but not be limited to:

  • high volume copying
  • reduction/enlargement
  • copying onto coloured paper
  • copying onto headed paper
  • copying onto white or coloured card/board
  • copying of photographic output and
  • finishing of all kinds, including collating, folding, wire stitching, comb binding, wire binding, thermo binding, and drilling and other types of finishing where required


For further information on the framework please contact:

Neil MacTavish
National Collaborative Procurement Division Senior Portfolio Specialist

Marta Sito
National Collaborative Procurement Division Portfolio Specialist

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