Private Sector Rent Statistics, Scotland, 2010 to 2022

This publication presents statistics on average private sector rent levels in Scotland by Broad Rental Market Area and size of property, for the years 2010 to 2022.


1. An increase in CPI inflation of 7.6%, based on the average CPI value across the latest 12 month period Oct-21 to Sep-22 compared with the average value in the previous year Oct-20 to Sep-21.

2. An increase in CPI inflation of 33.7%, based on the average CPI value across the latest 12 month period Oct-21 to Sep-22 compared with the average value in the year Oct-09 to Sep-10.

3. A definition and map of Broad Rental Market Areas is included in this publication in Section 9 on Broad Rental Market Area Profiles

4. Information is provided on means, medians, lower quartiles and upper quartiles. These statistical terms are defined in Annex B – Glossary of Terms

5. See Table 3.6d 'Housing characteristics by tenure - Number of bedrooms (Scotland, 2019)' at SHS Data Explorer (

6. Local Housing Allowance Rates: 2021-2022 - (

7. A Broad Rental Market Area for Local Housing Allowance purposes is defined as an area in which a person could reasonably be expected to live having regard to facilities and services for the purposes of health, education, recreation, personal banking and shopping, taking account of the distance of travel, by public and private transport, to and from those facilities and services

8. Means, medians, and lower and upper quartiles are defined in Annex B – Glossary of Terms.

9. Search for Local Housing Allowance rates by postcode or local authority : DirectGov - LHA Rates (

10. See SHS 2019 results in Table 3.1a within the SHS Data Explorer

11. Scottish Household Survey 2020 - telephone survey: key findings

12. Scottish Government annual housing statistics on stock by tenure

13. Search for Local Housing Allowance rates by postcode or local authority : DirectGov - LHA Rates (



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