Private sector rent statistics: 2010 - 2021
This publication presents statistics on average private sector rent levels in Scotland by Broad Rental Market Area and size of property, for the years 2010 to 2021.
1. Key findings, based on 2 bedroom properties
The most common type of property in the private rented sector is a 2 bedroom property, with nearly half (49 per cent) of all private rented properties in Scotland estimated to be this size.[6] Findings relating to other sizes of properties can differ to this, and are provided later in this publication.
- In the year to end September 2021, average 2 bedroom rents increased above UK CPI inflation of 1.5%[7] in 10 out of 18 areas, with the largest increases being 7.1% in West Dunbartonshire and 6.8% in the Ayrshires.
- An additional four areas saw an increase above 0.5% but below CPI inflation of 1.5%. Three areas saw little change in average rents compared with the previous year, with annual changes within +/-0.5%, whilst the average 2 bedroom rent in Lothian decreased by 2.9%.
- These regional trends combine to show an estimated 0.6% increase in average 2 bedroom monthly rents at a Scotland level, which compares to an average increase in UK CPI of 1.5% across the year to September 2021.
- In the year to end September 2021, Lothian had the highest average monthly rents for 2 bedroom properties across Scotland (£942). Other areas with high rents included Greater Glasgow (£797) and East Dunbartonshire (£721). Areas with the lowest average rents for 2 bedroom properties included the Ayrshires (£500) and Dumfries and Galloway (£477).
- Figures on changes to rents over the period from 2010 to 2021 should be considered in the context of the cumulative increase in the UK Consumer Price Index of 24.3% from the year to end September 2010 to the year to end September 2021.
- Over the 11 year period from 2010 to 2021, four areas (Lothian, Greater Glasgow, Fife and Forth Valley) have seen rent increases above the level of CPI inflation.
- Over the same period, 14 areas have seen increases below the level of CPI inflation, with average rents in Aberdeen and Shire just 1% higher in 2021 compared to 2010.
- These regional trends combine to show an estimated 25.1% cumulative increase for average 2 bedroom properties in Scotland between 2010 and 2021, reaching £693 in 2021.
The changes in average rents for 2 bedroom properties between 2020 to 2021, and 2010 to 2021, are illustrated in the maps in Figure A and Figure B, respectively.
Figure A shows that when looking at the 2 bedroom property size category between 2020 and 2021, that average rents have increased above CPI inflation of 1.5% in Ayrshires (6.8%), Dundee and Angus (3.4%), East Dunbartonshire (2.3%), Fife (5.2%), Forth Valley (4.6%), North Lanarkshire (2.7%), Perth and Kinross (2.9%), Scottish Borders (3.0%), South Lanarkshire (3.0%), and West Dunbartonshire (7.1%).
Average rents have increased by more than 0.5% but by less than CPI of 1.5% in Argyll and Bute (0.9%), Highland and Islands (0.8%), Renfrewshire / Inverclyde (1.0%) and West Lothian (0.9%), whilst average rents have shown little change (within +/-0.5%) in Aberdeen and Shire (0.0%), Dumfries and Galloway (0.1%) and Greater Glasgow (0.3%), and the average rent has fallen by more than 0.5% in Lothian (-2.9%).
Figure B shows that when looking at the 2 bedroom property size category between 2010 and 2021, that average rents have increased above CPI inflation of 24.3% in Fife (32.8%), Forth Valley (30.3%), Greater Glasgow (41.4%) and Lothian (41.7%).
Average rents have increased by more than 20% but below CPI inflation of 24.3% in Dundee and Angus (20.7%), East Dunbartonshire (24.0%), Highland and Islands (21.6%) and West Lothian (21.8%). Average rents have increased by more than 10% but less than 20% in Argyll and Bute (15.8%), North Lanarkshire (13.7%), Perth and Kinross (16.5%), Scottish Borders (17.0%) and South Lanarkshire (15.7%), whilst average rents have increased by less than 10% in Aberdeen and Shire (1.0%), Ayrshires (7.8%), Dumfries and Galloway (9.5%), Renfrewshire / Inverclyde (9.5%) and West Dunbartonshire (9.2%).

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