Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: strategy update

Reports on progress against aims and actions and sets out next steps.

Findings from the Self-Assessment Template (April 2016 – March 2017)

The self-assessment template asked local leads to report on progress in relation to the Strategy over financial year 2016/17. Returns were received from all 32 local areas.

The Strategy asks that 'local needs assessment for young people be reviewed and updated to reflect the actions in the Strategy'. This needs assessment process will help those delivering the Strategy identify where focus needs to be locally in order to achieve the outcomes. As one of the 'initial actions' in the Strategy, local areas were asked to have carried this out by December 2016.

At the time of reporting, 22 of the 32 local areas had carried out a needs assessment in relation to pregnancy and parenthood in young people. All of the needs assessments carried out had employed a multi-agency approach. Those who had not carried out a needs assessment acknowledged the importance of this and the intention to move the assessment forward.

The PPYP Strategy also asks that local areas put an action plan in place to take forward the results of the needs assessment. The Strategy sets out that Action Plans should be in place by June 2017. At the time of reporting, 9 of 32 of local areas had already devised an action plan. Of those who had not yet developed their plans, the majority planned to do so within the next year.

The National Lead will continue to work with the local leads to provide help, support and sharing of practice in relation to needs assessment and action planning, with that aim that all areas have needs assessment and action plans in place by June 2018.


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