Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: strategy update

Reports on progress against aims and actions and sets out next steps.

Next Steps: October 2017 – September 2018

Over the next year, we will focus on a second set of priorities, moving implementation of the Strategy forward.

We will continue to take forward the existing workstreams on post-partum contraception and consent and healthy relationships as well as working with NHS Health Scotland on the development of the Maternity Guide and Young Scot on the pregnancy and parenthood digital resource.

In addition, the PPYP Strategy Steering Group has identified two topics for focus in Year Two, namely:

  • Supporting young people with learning disabilities and other significant communication difficulties around healthy and safe relationships (including pregnancy prevention)
  • Increasing education and learning through encouraging and supporting school attendance as an intervention for reducing the risk of pregnancy, and enabling young parents to engage in education during pregnancy and following delivery.

In line with this, we will look to create a picture of how local areas are supporting the childcare requirements of young mothers who wish to return to education soon after the birth of their baby.


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