Pig identification and registration: guidance for keepers

This guide explains the new rules for pig identification and registration.

Section 2: notification of movements

When a pig moves, its movement must be recorded in your holding register and you must notify the movement to the Scottish Ministers, either prior to the movement taking place or on the day of the movement. The notification must specify the following information:

  • the address, including postcode and CPH number of the holdings from and to which the pigs are being moved
  • the date of the movement
  • the number of pigs moved
  • the identification mark of each pig moved
  • in the case of pigs moved from a market, the lot number of the pigs being moved

Keepers can notify movements electronically to the ScotEID movement reporting database (operated on behalf of the Scottish Ministers) or alternatively by telephone to the ScotEID Information Centre, Tel No: 01466 794323.

Once the necessary information, listed above, has been recorded on the database, the system will allow the keeper to print off a movement document; and where movements are notified by telephone the keeper will be given the option of having a movement document sent to them. Keepers also have the option to add Food Chain Information (FCI) to the movement document for pigs going to slaughter.

In addition to electronic and telephone notification keepers can notify movements in writing, containing the information listed above, sending it to ScotEID at the following address:

ScotEID Information Centre
Unit 28
The Huntly Business Centre
83 Gordon Street
AB54 8FG

Where a movement has been notified directly to the ScotEID database either electronically or by telephone then the movement does not require to be accompanied by a movement document. There are however, a number of movements which must be accompanied by a movement document:

  • pigs less than 12 months old and identified with a temporary mark
  • pigs moving to England, Wales or Northern Ireland

The concession for movements not to be accompanied by a movement document does not exempt the keeper from complying with any other legislation which may require a movement to be accompanied by documentation. For example 'Transport documentation' (also known as an Animal Transport Certificate) which is a requirement under the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

The receiving keeper must check and confirm receipt of the pigs within three days of their arrival to ScotEID by one of the movement notification methods outlined above.

Movement document

By notifying movements electronically to ScotEID keepers have the option of printing off a movement document. When movements are notified by telephone to ScotEID keepers also have the option of the movement document being sent to them. However, when movements are notified in writing to ScotEID the keeper is responsible for completing their own movement document. The movement document must contain all the information outlined above, must be signed by the keeper and must be sent to ScotEID either prior to the movement taking place or on the day of the move. A copy of the movement document must also accompany the pigs during the move.

The movement document provided by the ScotEID movement reporting database also provides the necessary transporter information to be completed to meet the 'Transport documentation' requirements under the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

Moves within the UK

Moves to Scotland from England and Wales will have been entered onto BPEX (the electronic movement reporting system for England and Wales) in advance of the movement taking place and will be pre-notified to ScotEID. The movement will be accompanied by a movement document required by the legislation in those countries. The receiving keeper in Scotland must check and confirm receipt of the pigs within three days of their arrival to ScotEID by one of the movement notification methods outlined above.

Moves to Scotland from Northern Ireland will be accompanied by a health certificate/movement document required by the legislation in that country. The receiving keeper in Scotland must check and confirm receipt of the pigs within three days of their arrival to ScotEID by one of the movement notification methods outlined above.

Moves from Scotland to England, Wales and Northern Ireland must be notified to ScotEID using one of the movement notification methods outlined above. The movement must be accompanied by a movement document. Movements notified to ScotEID electronically or by telephone will be notified automatically to the BPEX movement system. Where movements are notified by paper to ScotEID the database will automatically notify the movement to the BPEX movement system.

Moves to show grounds

Movements to show grounds or exhibitions must be notified to ScotEID using one of the movement notification methods outlined above. Keepers can notify their animal's movement to the show or exhibition and their return at the same time if they choose to. If a keeper sells a pig at a show or exhibition then they must notify ScotEID within three days of the sale taking place. If the sale takes place at a show or exhibition outside Scotland you must use the movement notification system in the country the pig was sold.

Moves to a vet

Your pigs should normally be correctly identified before they move. However, for veterinary treatment they can be moved without being identified. However, you should record the movement in your holding register but you do not need to notify the move to ScotEID.

Walking licence for pet pigs

You should contact your local AHVLA office (see Annex B) for an application for a licence. You will need to inform them of the route you wish to use; however, if they perceive that the proposed route poses a risk to animal health then it will not be approved. Such risks could be proximity to livestock markets, high health status pig units or food processing premises. If your route is approved you will be issued with a licence which you must renew on an annual basis. In addition, your pet pig will require to be identified with an eartag or tattoo with a unique individual identification number.

Imports and exports of pigs

If you are exporting pigs to another EU country or a country outside the EU, they must be identified by either an eartag or tattoo showing the herdmark and a unique individual identification number. The movement must be notified to ScotEID using one of the movement notification methods outlined above.

If you import pigs from outside the EU you must identify them with an eartag or tattoo containing the following information:

  • the letters ' UK'
  • the herdmark of the holding the pig has been imported into
  • the letter 'F' (and any other management information that you wish to add)

The eartag or tattoo must be applied within 30 days of the pig being imported or before it leaves the holding it was imported onto, whichever is sooner. However, where an imported pig is moved directly to slaughter and is slaughtered with 30 days you do not need to apply a new identification mark.

In addition, the receiving keeper in Scotland must check and confirm receipt of the pigs within three days of their arrival to ScotEID by one of the movement notification methods outlined above.

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