
Peer Mentoring Opportunities for Looked After Children and Care Leavers

This report and its recommendations are the result of a small project exploring services offering and

research around peer mentoring and how such practice could be developed to improve outcomes for Looked After Children and Care Leavers in Scotland.


i. Any mentoring/befriending/peer mentoring project will underline that this is a resource intensive strategy which has, according to most research, benefits and value for both mentors and mentees be they adult and young person, young adult and child, or peer and peer.

Evidence is available in the research paper published by the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation in 2010 (6)

ii. The evidence gathered during this work clearly demonstrates the need for any peer mentoring programme or project to ensure it considers and includes the following elements:(additional guidance to this is provided in appendix 2)

  1. Dedicated coordinator/staff time
  2. Purpose, aims and objectives
  3. Budget/finances
  4. Selection process
  5. Training programme (suggested content included at appendix 3)
  6. Matching process
  7. Support mechanisms
  8. Review process
  9. Endings
  10. Evaluation

iii. The Scottish Mentoring Network have published a Good Practice Guide(2011) (7) which enables organisations to self-evaluate their programmes at every stage of development and seek accreditation if they so wish. This resource is comprehensive and provides checklists and tools which should be of value to anyone considering setting up a project.


Email: Eliza Brush

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