Monitoring the socio-economic impacts of Marine Protected Areas: report

This report, on the socio-economic impacts of MPAs, found that there had been localised positive and negative impacts on coastal communities and industries, linked to MPA management measures.


1. Marine Scotland, Marine Social Attitudes: Survey, by The Scottish Government (The Scottish Government, 2020).

2. Hereafter referred to as MPAs

3. Inshore MPAs/SACs Consultation: 2014

4. 2014 Consultation on the management of inshore Special Areas of Conservation and Marine Protected Areas - Consultation analysis report

5. Marine Scotland, Scottish Marine Protected Areas: Socio-Economic Monitoring, by The Scottish Government (The Scottish Government, 2017).

6. It should be noted that some of these overlap, and some were protected by existing designations.

7. Owners/masters of vessels with an overall length of 10 metres and under are required to complete a FISH1 form, as they are not fitted with VMS. This includes information about the date and duration of each fishing voyage, the gear used, weight and species landed, port of departure and landing, and the co-ordinates where most of the fishing took place.

8. QSR International (1999) NVivo Qualitative Data Analysis Software [NVivo 11].

9. Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2018

10. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

11. Many of the MPAs have some zonal management, and so there may be small areas where creeling is prohibited

12. This is defined as spending more than 2 hours at fishing speeds

13. Before MPA management measures were introduced, and when VMS was widely adopted

14. ONS Dashboard: Sterling effective exchange rate

15. ONS Dashboard: Sterling effective exchange rate



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