
All Learners in Scotland Matter - national discussion on education: summary report

A summary of the final report of the National Discussion on Education.

Appendix A: National Discussion Engagement Phase


Facilitators Teams meetings and engagements 21 Sept – 5 Dec 2022

SOLACE conference Sep-22

Scottish Learning Festival 21/09/2022

Carnegie Primary School 21/09/2022

SG/CoSLA event with Parliamentary spokespeople 22/09/2022

Meeting with EIS 22/09/2022

Briefing of the Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme – early engagement 28/09/2022

Education Reform Stakeholder Group – early engagement 28/09/2022

South Ayrshire Council Children’s Rights Officer 29/09/2022

Enable Scotland 03/10/2022

Curriculum Advisory Board 28/09/2022

Youth Scotland Remote and Rural Officer 05/10/2022

Learning for Sustainability and Putting Young People at the Centre ‘round table’ 05/10/2022

ParentClub 06/10/2022

Youthlink Scotland 06/10/2022

Alan Sherry, CLD Standards Scotland 07/10/2022

Young Scot 07/10/2022

Engagement with BAME educators and young people (initial call) Khadija Mohammed (Chair of the Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators) 10/10/2022

Sight Scotland – engagement with policy officials 12/10/2022

CLD Standards council 14/10/2022

AHDS conference pre meeting 19/10/2022

ADES conference pre meet 21/10/2022

GTCS 24/10/2022

Young Carers event 24/10/2022

Includem 25/10/2022

The Promise 25/10/2022

Virtual ICEA 25/10/2022

Scottish Education Council 26/10/2022

Virtual ICEA 27/10/2022

Focus groups 1 of 8 with Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 27/10/2022

Close the Gap 28/10/2022

Building Our Curriculum Self-Help Group (BOCSH) 28/10/2022

Board Meeting – Gaelic Medium Education 31/10/2022

Pre meet with Professor McMahon to discuss session 31/10/2022

Meeting with Island Directors 01/11/2022

SPION meeting 01/11/2022

Glasgow School of Education 1 of 2 events 01/11/2022

Glasgow School of Education 2 of 2 events 02/11/2022

AHDS conference 02/11/2022

ADES conference 04/11/2022

Visit to Craigie High School, Dundee 07/11/2022

Dundee headteachers event 07/11/2022

Learning for Sustainability Membership Event 07/11/2022

SCDE and Council of Deans 08/11/2022

National Youth Link Conference 08//11/2022

Colleges Scotland Officials 09/11/2022

National Deaf Children’s Society 09/11/2022

The Promise 09/11/2022

East Ayrshire Council parental engagement event 09/11/2022

St Alberts school visit 09/11/2022

Connect and NPFS focus group 09/11/2022

Visit to Aberdeen Grammar School 10/11/2022

Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray school leaders’ event 10/11/2022

Stirling and Forth Valley RIC 10/11/2022

Sight Scotland and RNIB Scotland Conference on the future of Scottish Education 10/11/2022

Teachers Panel – ad hoc 11/11/2022

Children’s Parliament 11/11/2022

EIS conference on National Discussion 12/11/2022

Rural & Remote Focus Group 15/11/2022

CYPIC Conference (marketplace stall) 15/11/2022

Sight Scotland – Pupil Council Session 15/11/2022

Focus groups 3 of 8 Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 15/11/2022

ND Young People events – School Assembly 16/11/2022

Angus Council 16/11/2022

Highly Able Learners session 16/11/2022

Sight Scotland – discussion with the teaching and support staff 17/11/2022

Forth Valley & West Lothian RIC 17/11/2022

Focus groups 4 of 8 with Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 18/11/2022

Meeting with James Russell, Skills Development Scotland 18/11/2022

NASUWT Scottish Executive Council meeting 18/11/2022

Professor Mark Priestley of Stirling University 18/11/2022

Careers Educations Review/Skills Scotland 18/11/2022

Focus groups 5 of 8 with Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 21/11/2022

National Discussion session at Elgin High School 22/11/2022

Online engagement event with youth workers, Youthlink Scotland 22/11/2022

Public online event 22/11/2022

ND Young People events – Education Scotland lead 23/11/2022

Focus groups 6 of 8 with Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 23/11/2022

Call with Judy Wagner on Stewart Review 23/11/2022

School Assembly Sessions X2 23/11/2022

Public online event 23/11/2022

Young Ambassadors for Inclusion Event 24/11/2022

Focus groups 7 of 8 with Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 25/11/2022

MSYP Panel discussion 26/11/2022

Focus groups 8 of 8 with Child Rights and Inclusion organisations 28/11/2022

Education Scotland – Lesley Whelan 28/11/2022

CLD Standards council 28/11/2022

RICs 28/11/2022

Scottish Islands Federation members 29/11/2022

GTCS twilight session 29/11/2022

Glasgow City Parents group 30/11/2022

English as a Second Language Teachers 30/11/2022

National Academy for Educational Leadership Stakeholder Forum 30/11/2022

South East Improvement Collaborative 30/11/2022

Early Years Scotland – Jane Brompton 30/11/2022

South Ayrshire Council Children’s Rights event 01/12/2022

Developing Young Workforce employers 01/12/2022

Public online event 01/12/2022

NASUWT Black Members’ Network 01/12/2022

Time for Inclusive Education 05/12/2022

Demographic team 05/12/2022

Meeting with business leaders 18/01/2022



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