

Report of the expert committee on how to deal with children in trouble which influenced the establishment of the Children's Hearings system


List of organisations and individuals who submitted statements of evidence

Notes- (1) Oral as well as written evidence was given by those marked*. (2) Those marked t gave oral evidence in other capacities.

(a) Organisations

Aberdeen City and County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
*Approved Schools Association (Scotland).
*Association of Child Care Officers (Scottish Region).
*Association of County Councils in Scotland.
*Association of Directors of Education in Scotland.
*Association of Sheriffs Principal.
*British Medical Association (Scottish Council).
*British Psychological Society.
*British Transport Commission.
*Chief Constables' (Scotland) Association.
*Chief Constables of Greenock, Coatbridge. Stirlingshire and Clackmannan.
*Church of Scotland Committee on Social Service.
*Committee of Management, Edinburgh Home for Mothers and Infants.
Counties of Cities Association.
*Department of Social Study, Edinburgh University.
*Edinburgh Voluntary Youth Welfare Association.
*Educational Institute for Scotland.
*Episcopal Church in Scotland (Joint Committee of the Board of Education and the Social Services Board).
*Howard League for Penal Reform (Scottish Branch).
Institute of Housing (Scottish Branch).
*Law Society of Scotland.
*National Association of Probation Officers (Scottish Branch).
*Procurators Fiscal Society.
Professional Case-workers Working Party.
*Royal Medico -Psychological Association (Scottish Division).
*Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Salvation Army in Scotland.
*Scottish Approved Schools Staff Association.
*Scottish Children's Officers' Association.
*Scottish Committee of the Catholic Union of Great Britain.
*Scottish Education Department.
*Scottish Health Visitors' Association.
Scottish Home and Health Department.
Sheriffs- Substitute Association.
Society of Civil Servants (Sheriff Clerks' Branch).
*Society of Medical Officers of Health (Scottish Branch).
*Society of Town Clerks in Scotland.

(b) Individuals

The Hon. Lord Cameron, D.S.C., LL.D.
*Mr. Arthur S. Fraser, Headmaster, Fernieside School, Edinburgh.
Mr. Robert Goodburn, Clerk of the Peace for Peeblesshire.
*Mr. J. D. Heatly, City Prosecutor, Edinburgh.
Mr. J. C. T. MacRobert, Clerk of the Peace for Renfrewshire.
Mr. Andrew Lawson, j.p., Glasgow.
Town Clerk and the Children's Officer, Motherwell and Wishaw.
Town Clerk, the Children's Officer and the Probation Officer, Kirkcaldy.

†Dr. K. R. H. Wardrop, M.A. CH.B., D.P.M.


A professional group of consultants and psychiatric social workers working in Scottish approved schools and borstals.

†Dr. J. P. McWhinnie, M.B., CH.B., D.C.H., D.P.M.

Mr. R. C. Vallance, M.A., ED.B.

Miss Muriel Humphries, B.A.

†Mr- David Colvin

Miss Muriel Linda Hunt, B.A.

Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Wishaw.

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