International culture strategy: survey

We are seeking views to inform the development of a strategy to support the international aspirations and potential of Scotland’s culture sector.

8. Equalities

The strategy is an opportunity to explore what we want to see in terms of advancing equalities in international cultural activity. The diplomatic theme of the strategy could be an opportunity to restate the values and principles of the Scottish Government set out in the Global Affairs Framework to increase respect for, and understanding of, human rights worldwide, for example.

However, most data we have access to has a domestic focus and we do not have a great deal of information about the types of people engaging in international cultural activity and when in their career they are conducting work internationally.

This survey seeks the views of stakeholders and the public on any potential equality issues. We are assessing what impact the strategy may have across protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation). We are also looking at impacts on businesses and in terms of socio-economic status and geographical location.

Impact assessments will be further developed alongside the drafting of the strategy. If you would like to be engaged in the impact assessment process, please email

Question 22: Are there aspects of engaging in international cultural activity that affect equalities groups differently? (in your response please reflect on both positive and negative effects)

Question 23: If you identified any negative effects, what do you think could be done in the future to try and prevent this from happening?

Question 24: Are there any other comments you would like to make on the strategy as a whole at this time?



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