International climate justice, conflict and gender: scoping study

Scottish Government funded research report with ClimateXChange which concluded in 2022. It identifies areas of opportunity for policy makers to develop a gender responsive approach to international climate justice.

Annex 5: Examples of climate language in WPS and Security National Action Plans

Country Date adopted Text
Australia[161] 2021 Australian Government actions aim to: support women's leadership and participation in climate policy decision-making. These inclusive policy processes will support improved long-term outcomes for communities in crisis, helping to build peace.
Finland[162] 2018 Outcome: Finland explores specific challenges and/or opportunities presented to women by climate change, and access to, use and control of land and other natural resources
Ireland[163] 2018 Output: 1.1.3 Deepen our understanding of the gendered impacts of poverty, inequality, climate change and conflict, including as an essential element of reaching the furthest behind first, including women and girls. Activities: Increased support to work on gender equality and climate action. Output: 1.2.3 Increase investment in research and programming on gender and security impacts of climate change. Activities: Research commissioned on gender and security impacts of climate change in Pacific Small Island Developing States … Strengthen support for gender equality and women's involvement in climate action.
United States[164] 2016 Actions: Increase gender integration across efforts to build resilience to crisis, conflict, and insecurity in various contexts including climate change. Outcome 5.4: Gender issues are systematically integrated and evaluated as part of responses to climate change Actions: Promote the active participation of women in climate change negotiations; gender-responsive approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation at local, regional, or national levels, including equal land tenure rights for women and men; and the capacity and empowerment of women to fully participate in the energy sector, including women working in energy policy and as clean energy entrepreneurs.



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