Tayside Breast Cancer Independent Advisory Group: final report

The report on how best to implement changes to breast cancer management in NHS Tayside.

Annex D

Glossary and abbreviations

Cancer Networks – there are 3 cancer networks in Scotland, SCAN, NCA and WoSCAN each responsible for delivery of cancer services within defined geographic boundaries

CEL – Chief Executive Letter - A circular issued by Scottish Government to inform NHS Scotland and other agencies of changes in Government policy, recent legislation or other information.

CEPAS – Chemotherapy Electronic Prescribing and Administration System An electronic system used for prescribing and administration of chemotherapy and all SACT, supports safe use of SACT and is capable of monitoring prescribing practice.

Chemocare® is the CEPAS software product currently used across NHS Scotland.

CMG – Clinical Management Guideline - a document that sets out information on the diagnosis and management of diseases or conditions, including cancer.

CMO - Chief Medical Officer.

CPO - Chief Pharmaceutical Officer.

FEC-T – A type of chemotherapy used to treat breast cancer

HIS - Healthcare Improvement Scotland – an organisation that is part of NHS Scotland with the aim of implementing better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland.

IRG – Immediate Response Group.

MEL – Management Executive Letter. Now known as CEL.

MPEP - Molecular Pathology Evaluation Panel (https://www.mpep.scot.nhs.uk/)

NoSCAN - now known as NCA (Northern Cancer Alliance).

NCA – Northern Cancer Alliance (was NoSCAN) One of the 3 cancer networks in Scotland. Provides cancer care across 6 NHS Boards – Grampian, Highland, Orkney, Tayside, Shetland and Western Isles https://www.nrhcc.scot/nca. The other networks are SCAN and WoSCAN.

NSSNational Services Scotland.

Oncotype DX- a genomic test that predicts how likely breast cancer is to recur after surgery, and the likely benefit of chemotherapy.

QPIQuality Performance Indicator. A measure of performance, used to evaluate success.

SACT -Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy- the treatment of cancer with medicines. Chemotherapy is a type of SACT.

Scottish Cancer Taskforce – A Scottish Government Group that provides oversight on all aspects of cancer policy in Scotland.

SCAN -South East Scotland Cancer Network. One of the 3 cancer networks in Scotland. Provides cancer care across 4 NHS Boards-Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, Fife and Lothian https://www.scan.scot.nhs.uk/Pages/default.aspx

WoSCAN –West of Scotland Cancer Network. One of the 3 cancer networks in Scotland. Provides cancer care across 4 NHS Boards- Ayrshire and Arran, Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire. https://www.woscan.scot.nhs.uk/


Email: marianne.barker@gov.scot

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