Impact Evaluation of the Community Right to Buy - Research Finding

Summary evaluation of the impact of Community Right To Buy legislation on communities in rural Scotland from 2004 to 2014.

Examples of Outcomes

Each of the short term and medium term outcomes for communities identified in the CRtB logic model have been met to an extent.

Examples of positive outcomes that have been met include:

  • Awareness of the CRtB had increased and members of community bodies felt motivated to participate in the process and in other initiatives on behalf of the community.
  • Community bodies identified a range of skills that had been improved as a result of the CRtB process including legal knowledge (67% of survey respondents), knowledge about the community and its aims (61%), communication skills (57%) and organisational skills (51%).
  • Case study participants felt that their involvement in the CRtB had helped them to feel a sense of empowerment. Among survey respondents, 57% respondents agreed that the CRtB had made people think that they can make a real change in their community.
  • More than half agreed that the CRtB had stimulated ideas and debate on how the community could use local land and buildings differently (57%), while 54% agreed that the CRtB helped the community to understand the needs of the community and 53% agreed that the process helped deliver shared community objectives.
  • Increased sense of pride was stated as a positive outcome by a small number of case studies and survey respondents, mainly those that had successfully purchased land or assets.
  • Increased employment opportunies were evident but only in cases where the community had purchased the asset.


Email: Graeme Beale

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