Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: evidence review

This report provides a review of the literature on the housing needs and experiences of minority ethnic groups in Scotland, and presents results of secondary data analysis. The research also identifies gaps in the evidence and suggests areas where further research could be useful.







6  Grey literature relates to research published outwith academic channels. This includes a wide range of material, such as government publications, reports, white papers and other online materials.

7 https://www.webarchive.org.uk/wayback/archive/20160115192600/http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2001/09/10029/File-1

Scottish Household Survey: publications - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


10  https://www.gov.scot/publications/refugee-integration-evidence-scotland-study-evidence-available-support-new-scots-refugee-integration-strategy-2018-2022/pages/3/

11  A8 migrants refers to migrants from eight of the ten accession countries that joined the European Union during its 2004 enlargement: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

12  https://www.gov.scot/publications/addressing-race-inequality-scotland-way-forward/

13  https://www.gov.scot/publications/race-equality-action-plan-year-two-progress-update/

 Due to small sample sizes 'White: Other' includes 'White: Gypsy/Traveller'.

* Due to small sample sizes 'White: Other' includes 'White: Gypsy/Traveller'.

** Due to small sample sizes (less than 50), data on the 'Caribbean or Black' group has been suppressed.

14  Individuals are considered to be in relative poverty if their equivalised household income is below 60% of the UK median income. Individuals are considered to be in severe poverty if their household income is below 50% of the UK median income.

15  https://www.gov.scot/collections/scottish-house-condition-survey/

16  https://www.gov.scot/policies/home-energy-and-fuel-poverty/fuel-poverty/#:~:text=The%20Fuel%20Poverty%20%28Targets%2C%20Definition%20and%20Strategy%29%20%28Scotland%29,and%20received%20Royal%20Assent%20on%2018%20July%202019.

*Due to small sample sizes 'White: Other' includes 'White: Gypsy/Traveller'.

** Due to small sample sizes (less than 50), data on the 'Caribbean or Black' group has been suppressed.

17  For the purposes of this report, mature students are considered to be all students over the age of 21 years of age.

18  https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1999/33/contents

19  Hate crime in Scotland includes crime motivated by malice or ill will towards defined social groups. These are: race, sexual orientation, religion/faith, disability or transgender/gender identity. https://www.scotland.police.uk/keep-safe/advice-for-victims-of-crime/hate-crime/what-is-hate-crime/

20  https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-social-attitudes-2015-attitudes-discrimination-positive-action/

21  The 30th percentile is the cheapest 30% of rents in a broad rental market area (BRMA). LHA rates are set at the lower of: the 30th percentile on a list of rents in the BRMA or the existing LHA. However, due to Covid-19, this year all LHA rates have been set at the 30th percentile: https://www.gov.scot/publications/local-housing-allowance-rates-2020-2021/

22  https://www.gov.scot/policies/private-renting/private-tenancy-reform/ 

23  The overall sample contained 10,951 households with a white Scottish/British HIH and 856 households where the HIH was minority ethnic.

24   The SHQS was introduced in February 2004 and means social landlords must make sure their tenants' homes are energy efficient, safe and secure; not seriously damaged; and have kitchens and bathrooms that are in good condition. It is a set of five broad housing criteria comprising 55 elements against which properties are measured. Private owners and private landlords are currently under no obligation to bring their properties up to this standard. However, the SHCS collects the same data for all dwellings to allow comparison across the housing stock. Since 2012 the performance of social landlords on the standard has been monitored by the Scottish Housing Regulator.

25  https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1987/26/contents

26  Other key factors are: poverty, local labour market variations and gender.

27  https://www.gov.scot/publications/homelessness-scotland-2019-2020/

28  There may be slight discrepancies when comparing 2018/19 and 2019/20 figures as the ethnicity breakdown in 2018/19 was based on those making a homeless application, whereas 2019/20 was based on those applicants assessed as homeless.

29  Shelter Scotland defines 'hidden homelessness' as 'people who would meet the definition of homeless if they were to make a formal application, but are not represented in local authority homeless statistics'.

30  https://www.gov.scot/publications/homelessness-scotland-equalities-breakdown-2019-20/

31  For the purposes of this report, specialist services refer to services which explicitly provide culturally sensitive services and have an understanding of the needs of minority ethnic communities.

32  Household quality deprivation and household overcrowding deprivation are indicators of deprivation included in the Index of Multiple Deprivation Score (IMDS) in England. The IMDS is similar to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).

33  Multi-lobar pneumonia is characterised as an infection that involves more than one lobe of a lung. It often causes a more severe illness than lobar pneumonia, which only involves a single lobe or section of a lung.

34  http://www.equalityscotland.com/4/9/Partnership-Projects/Partnership-Projects.html

35  Photo reproduced with permission from: Joshi, R.S. (2020). Count us in: Meeting the changing needs and expectations of ethnic minority older people in Scotland. Trust, Hanover (Scotland) and Bield Housing Associations: Older People Services Project.

36  https://www.housingrights.org.uk/news/housing-rights-housing-champions-project


Email: socialresearch@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

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