
Fish and Shellfish Stocks: 2013

Information on the state of fish and shellfish stocks of commercial importance to the Scottish fleet, inclduing Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for each stock.


1 For juvenile North Sea herring - ages 0-1 *Total mortality (Z)

2 For adult North Sea herring - ages 2-6 ND = not defined

3 EU TAC only (t) = metric tonnes

Scottish Fish Stocks

1 This excludes Clyde herring. Management now controlled by UK

2 This included Clyde herring.

3 Landings by Scottish based vessels only

Scottish Shellfish Stocks

Velvet Crab
1 Size frequency data used in the assessment for the Shetland area were provided by the NAFC Marine Centre with the permission of the Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation.

1 Samples from the Shetland area are collected and provided by staff from NAFC Marine Centre under the Memorandum of Understanding between NAFC Marine Centre and MSS.


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