
Packaging - extended producer responsibility: full business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA)

Final business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the reform of the packaging producer responsibility regulations, which follows previously published partial BRIAs.

3.0 Consultation

3.1 Consultation within government

40. In introducing packaging EPR, the Scottish Government and our partners in the other UK governments want to design a packaging EPR scheme that has a positive long-term impact, is consistent and works well for all citizens. This requires a joint approach while respecting devolved powers. The Scottish Government and other UK governments are therefore closely collaborating on a redesign of the system. The Scottish Government has also engaged closely with local government, especially via COSLA, on design and delivery of the scheme.

41. As the regulators of the scheme, SEPA and the environmental regulators in the other nations of the UK have been closely involved in design and delivery of the scheme.

3.2 Public consultation

42. An initial consultation on proposals to reform the producer responsibility system was undertaken in 2019, and a second consultation on proposals for packaging extended producer responsibility in 2021. The summary of responses to the 2019 Consultation can be found here[32] and the Government Response to the 2021 Consultation can be found here[33]. A third consultation to receive stakeholder feedback on the operability of the draft regulations was undertaken in 2023, responses to this consultation were taken into account in revising and finalising the legislation.

3.3 Business consultation

43. A wide range of business of engagement was undertaken at both a Scottish and UK level. This informed a wide range of affected businesses and trade associations about the proposals and captured their feedback.

44. Engagement has included an industry sounding board established with the support of INCPEN (Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment), the government’s Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP), and Defra’s Packaging and Collections Working Group and Resources & Waste Stakeholder Advisory Group. Specific engagement has also taken place with local authority groups and stakeholders in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. These have given stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the proposed reforms and put their opinions forward.



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