
Packaging - extended producer responsibility: full business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA)

Final business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the reform of the packaging producer responsibility regulations, which follows previously published partial BRIAs.

Annex A – Packaging collection costs in Scotland

Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) provided Defra with outputs from their modelling of Scottish household collection and disposal costs. Having collected data from local authorities in confidence, they were unable to provide the full modelling and were only able to provide aggregated estimates for each waste stream. Further analysis was conducted by Defra to estimate the packaging element of these costs for the IA.

Annex A table 1: Collection, disposal, and transition costs form ZWS modelling, £m
Category Kerbside residual Kerbside dry Disposal Landfill tax Transition costs
Rural inaccessible councils £16 £4 £28 £9 £8
Rural accessible councils £26 £7 £44 £18 £21
Urban councils £55 £10 £55 £14 £40
Mixed, mainly urban, no city councils £26 £11 £43 £16 £25
Mixed, mainly rural councils £16 £5 £29 £12 £13
All Scottish councils £139 £37 £198 £69 £107

Packaging residual waste costs were estimated using the following method. Collection costs were estimated by multiplying the kerbside residual waste costs by the proportion of packaging in residual waste in Scotland by weight (21%). This was taken from household waste composition produced by Eunomia for WRAP[56].

To estimate the disposal costs, specific data on the tonnage of target dry materials collected for recycling and in residual waste in Scotland, provided by ZWS were used. Using the same waste composition analysis, non-packaging dry material was removed from these tonnages. Packaging in scope of the Scottish DRS system as also removed. The remaining packaging in residual tonnages were multiplied by a disposal cost per tonne. This was estimated by first estimating the proportion of residual waste sent to landfill (71%) and EfW (29%) in Scotland[57]. For the proportion sent to landfill, the Scottish Landfill tax rate (£91.35[58]), was added to the assumed landfill gate fee used by WRAP in their household collection modelling (£27.91). Again, the EfW gate fee used by WRAP in their household collection modelling was used (£84.15).

Annex A table 2: Kerbside residual tonnage by material type (Scotland)
Kerbside residual Rural inaccessible councils Rural accessible councils Urban councils Mixed, mainly urban, not city councils Mixed, mainly rural councils All Scottish councils
Paper (all) 7,245 22,971 32,454 28,315 13,482 104,467
Card 2,460 8,224 19,123 9,993 4,330 44,130
Cans Al & Fe 1,227 4,389 6,550 4,603 2,310 19,078
Food and drink cartons 318 801 1,115 689 350 3,273
Container Glass 5,706 14,334 22,006 18,605 7,689 68,339
Plastic bottles 1,317 5,051 11,825 5,981 3,019 27,193
Plastic PTT 3,772 9,007 12,290 10,265 4,756 40,090
Plastic film 6,608 18,436 23,182 20,721 10,857 79,804
Foil and aerosols 796 2,333 3,765 2,833 1,367 11,093

Packaging related dry recycling costs were estimated as follows. Collection costs were estimated by multiplying the total dry collection costs by the proportion of packaging in dry collections by partially compacted volume. A specific estimate for Scotland was not available and the proportion used by WRAP in their England collection costs modelling was used (78%). This was considered appropriate as waste composition analysis[59] shows that the proportion of packaging in dry recycling by weight is similar in England and Scotland.

Annex A table 3: Kerbside recycling tonnage by material type (Scotland)
Kerbside recycling Rural inaccessible councils Rural accessible councils Urban councils Mixed, mainly urban, not city councils Mixed, mainly rural councils All Scottish councils
Paper (all) 10,007 18,509 15,068 22,173 7,738 73,494
Card 4,077 6,912 6,475 9,422 3,231 30,117
Cans Al & Fe 1,098 1,979 2,009 2,947 602 8,636
Food and drink cartons 89 333 308 462 101 1,293
Container Glass 682 6,103 11,902 13,717 4,864 37,267
Plastic bottles 1,414 3,584 3,401 5,449 1,926 15,775
Plastic PTT 355 1,356 1,264 2,020 922 5,918
Plastic film 253 922 783 1,110 778 3,847
Foil and aerosols 37 292 291 427 177 1,225

To estimate net recycling end-of-life treatment costs, target dry materials tonnages were again taken from the ZWS analysis. As with residual waste tonnages, these were adjusted to remove non packaging materials as well as packaging in scope of DRS. The number of local authorities signed up to the Scottish Charter for Household Recycling was used as a proxy for waste collected as multi-stream (93%). It is assumed that LAs would receive material revenue for this packaging. Revenue per tonne rates were assumed for each high-level material type. Where possible these were aligned with WRAP household collection costs modelling. The proportion not collected as multi-stream (7%) was assumed to go to a Material Recycling Facility (MRF) for sorting, with councils paying a gate fee. In line with WRAP’s modelling, a MRF gate fee of £60 per tonne was assumed. This accounts for the lower value of this material once DRS packaging is removed.

Lastly, it was assumed that a certain proportion of costs associated with local authorities transitioning to the Scottish Charter for Household Recycling would relate to packaging. As the Charter includes separate food and dry collections, the proportion of packaging in food and dry recycling collections (60%) was used[60]. It was multiplied by total transition costs, added to the packaging recycling collection costs and annualised over the appraisal period.

Annex A table 4: Estimated packaging costs (Scotland)
Item Costs (£m)
Packaging residual collection £29
Packaging residual disposal £18
Packaging recycling collection £29
Packaging recycling treatment -£2
Packaging recycling collection transition (annualised over 7 years) £6
Total net packaging costs £80



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