
Packaging - extended producer responsibility: full business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA)

Final business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the reform of the packaging producer responsibility regulations, which follows previously published partial BRIAs.

1.0 Title of proposal: Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system

1. This is the final business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the reform of the packaging producer responsibility regulations. This follows on from the partial BRIA published alongside the joint public consultation from all UK nations in March 2021[1], and the partial BRIA for the proposed secondary legislation regarding data reporting requirements and civil penalties for non-compliance, published in January 2023[2]. The analysis from these previous impact assessments and corresponding Defra impact assessments published in 2019[3] and 2021[4] has been updated to reflect final policy decisions as reflected in the draft regulations that will introduce these measures. Packaging EPR will cover the United Kingdom as a whole, and has been developed as a joint effort between the four nations.



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