
Criminal justice social work statistics in Scotland: 2018-2019

A national statistics publication for Scotland.

Table 31 Drug treatment and testing orders commenced : Breakdown of proportion successfully completed, 2013-14 to 2016-17

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
No. of orders commenced Percentage successfully completed1 No. of orders commenced Percentage successfully completed1 No. of orders commenced Percentage successfully completed1 No. of orders commenced Percentage successfully completed1
Length of order
Total 625 52 551 50 533 45 475 42
Up to a year 126 56 102 56 88 50 71 61
More than a year - 18 months 392 53 343 49 350 45 312 39
More than 18 months 107 41 106 49 95 37 92 38
Whether order is full DTTO or a DTTO II
Full DTTO 559 51 501 49 478 45 438 40
DTTO II2 66 64 50 64 55 40 37 73
Number of breach applications during the life of the order
No breach applications 404 75 352 73 328 69 322 59
At least one breach application 221 10 199 10 205 7 153 9

Note : This table differs from tables 28 to 30, in that it looks at orders which commenced during the years in question and which have now finished, while tables 28 to 30 look at orders which finished in the years in question.

1. Successful completion rates are calculated as a proportion of all orders terminated minus those which did not finish due to the transfer of the orders.

2. DTTO IIs have been piloted in the City of Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian areas since June 2008.



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