Coronavirus (COVID-19) and society: what matters to people in Scotland?

Findings from an open free text survey taken to understand in greater detail how the pandemic has changed Scotland.

Annex B - Method

This study used an open free-text question format. It was opt-in and directed towards people who may have heightened concerns. An Easy Read version of the questionnaire was also provided.

Responses were downloaded and analysed thematically by Scottish Government researchers. This involved a team of 4 researchers, reading and rereading the responses to become familiar with the data and identify patterns and initial codes. Preliminary themes were then identified, reviewed and then finalised. Excerpts from different respondents were used to illustrate these themes.

The use of an open text format gave respondents the opportunity to freely describe their views at this point of the pandemic. The questions were not grounded in pre-determined research assumptions and so it gave an open space to respondents to give their thoughts and opinions. This use of open questions enabled respondents to provide information in as much depth as they wished; this had the benefit of providing rich, detailed accounts.

There are limitations to the use of an online survey. Firstly, it inherently excludes those who do not have internet access. The sample for this research was also self-selected, and is not representative of the wider Scottish population. The sampling resulted in a high representation of responses from females and individuals aged over 35 years. Also, it is likely that there was greater representation from people who held strong views on the subject area. This report nevertheless provides useful and timely information, as long as appropriate caveats are applied.

Sample characteristics

Table 7 presents a more detailed breakdown of the sample including the number and percentage who identified with different demographic characteristics.

Table 7: Participant characteristics
Demographic Base Response Number %
Gender 3142 Male 755 24.0%
Female 2215 70.0%
Non-binary 21 0.7%
Not listed 8 0.25%
Prefer not to say 143 4.5%
Age 3130 1-24 72 2.3%
25-34 264 8.4%
35-44 703 22.2%
45-54 924 29.2%
55-64 776 24.6%
65-69 241 7.6%
70+ 150 4.8%
Not answered 31 1.0%
Long-standing illness 3142 No 2142 67.2%
Yes 818 25.9%
Prefer not to say 200 6.3%
Not answered 19 0.6%
Does the illness limit your activities 1520 Yes 475 15.0%
No 842 26.6%
Prefer not to say 203 6.4%
Ethnic group 3147 White (Scottish, British, Irish) 2858 90.4%
White other 63 2.0%
White Minorities (polish/gypsy traveller ) 10 0.3%
Mixed or multiple ethnic group 19 0.6%
Asian, Asian Scottish, Asian British 4 0.1%
Asian other 1 0.0%
Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British 2 0.1%
Chinese, Chinese Scottish, Chinese British 2 0.1%
Caribbean Scottish or British 1 0.0%
Caribbean or Black 2 0.1%
Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British 5 0.2%
African, African Scottish or African British 4 0.1%
Arab, Arab Scottish, Arab British 2 0.1%
Other ethnic group 7 0.2%
Prefer not to say 167 5.2%
Not answered 14 0.4%
Carer 3128 Yes 709 22.4%
No 2241 70.9%
Employment 3147 Full-time 1457 46.1%
Part-time 447 14.1%
Self-employed 270 8.5%
Retired 481 15.2%
Unemployed seeking work 18 0.6%
Unemployed not seeking 20 0.6%
Studying 74 2.3%
Not working due to illness/disability 108 3.4%
Other 45 1.4%
Prefer not to say 145 4.6%
Not answered 14 0.4%
Financial situation 3149 Managing very well 466 14.7%
Managing quite well 793 25.1%
Alright 1151 36.4%
Not managing very well 222 7.0%
Some financial difficulties 215 6.8%
Deep financial trouble 66 2.1%
Don't know 8 0.3%
Prefer not to say 228 7.2%
Not answered 12 0.4%



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