Coronavirus (COVID-19): highest risk - survey report - July 2021

Results from an online survey conducted by the Scottish Government Shielding Division in July 2021 with people at highest clinical risk from Covid-19.

Recent activities

In the months leading up to the survey, restrictions in Scotland changed significantly - lockdown measures were lifted and many previously restricted activities opened up. People at highest risk were asked to start to follow the same advice as for the general population at Levels 1 and 0. We wanted to understand if these changes had impacted those who had been identified as highest risk, and whether people felt reassured enough to begin to return to previous activities as restrictions eased.

Despite the easing of restrictions (including the whole of Scotland moving to Level 0 on 19 July 2021), there were still a number of day-to-day activities that respondents were choosing not to participate in, including:

  • 14% never visited shops
  • 24% never met people who were not part of their household or extended household outdoors
  • 50% never met people who weren’t part of their household or extended household indoors
  • 79% never been on public transport

Similarly, there were still 2% of respondents (n4494) who had chosen not to leave their home for any reason. While the proportion might be relatively small, this points to people who were potentially still very fearful of coronavirus and were taking measures over and above the advice to keep themselves safe.

We asked participants how often they had undertaken the following activities from May – July 2021:

Left home for any reason

Chart showing responses to question asking how often people have left their home for any reason between May – July 2021.
Never 2%
Once or twice a month 16%
Once a week 14%
A couple of times a week 34%
Daily 33%
Not relevant to me 0%
Response count 4495

Visited shops

Chart showing responses to question asking how often people have visited shops between May – July 2021.
Never 14%
Once or twice a month 28%
Once a week 28%
A couple of times a week 25%
Daily 4%
Not relevant to me 1%
Response count 4471

Met people outdoors who are not part of your household or extended household

Chart showing responses to question asking how often respondents have met people outdoors who are not part of your household or extended household between May – July 2021.
Never 24%
Once or twice a month 40%
Once a week 16%
A couple of times a week 14%
Daily 5%
Not relevant to me 1%
Response count 4471

Met people indoors who are not part of your household or extended household

Chart showing responses to question asking how often respondents have met people indoors who are not part of your household or extended household between May – July 2021.
Never 50%
Once or twice a month 32%
Once a week 9%
A couple of times a week 5%
Daily 3%
Not relevant to me 1%
Response count 4469

Been on public transport

Chart showing responses to question asking how often people have been on public transport between May – July 2021.
Never 79%
Once or twice a month 13%
Once a week 3%
A couple of times a week 3%
Daily 1%
Not relevant to me 3%
Response count 4469

Gone to school, childcare or college

Note that based on final demographic data only 1% of participants identified as being ‘in education’. We suspect that the majority of those who answered ‘Never’ should largely be in the ‘Not relevant to me’ column.

Chart showing responses to question asking how often people have been to school, childcare or college between May – July 2021.
Never 51%
Once or twice a month 0%
Once a week 0%
A couple of times a week 1%
Daily 1%
Not relevant to me 46%
Response count 4442

Gone to work if they cannot work from home

Chart showing responses to question asking how often people have gone to work if they cannot work from home between May – July 2021.
Never 36%
Once or twice a month 2%
Once a week 1%
A couple of times a week 5%
Daily 13%
Not relevant to me 43%
Response count 4457



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