
Coronavirus (COVID-19): highest risk - survey report - July 2021

Results from an online survey conducted by the Scottish Government Shielding Division in July 2021 with people at highest clinical risk from Covid-19.

Appendix 1 – respondent profiles

Criteria Survey Respondents Wider Highest Risk Group[1]
Gender 35% Male 65% Female 45% Male 55% Female
Age 38% 65+ 62% <65 51% 65+ 49% <65
Condition that categorises them as at highest risk[2] 44% severe respiratory condition
36% immunosuppression
13% treatment for cancer
9% rare disease
5% organ transplant
0.2% pregnant + significant heart disease
25% advised to shield by clinician
0.5% down’s syndrome 2% kidney impairment (Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease)
0.6% receiving renal dialysis treatment
0.8% liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh Class B and C) 1% don’t know why they are at highest risk
40% severe respiratory condition
20% immunosuppression
13% treatment for cancer
6% rare disease
3% organ transplant
0.04% pregnant + significant heart disease
29% advised to shield by clinician [3]
Local Authority[4] 9% Glasgow
8% Edinburgh
6% North Lanarkshire
6% South Lanarkshire 7% Fife
13% Glasgow
7% Edinburgh
7% North Lanarkshire
6% South Lanarkshire 6% Fife
Indicator or (possible) proxy indicator of socio-economic vulnerability 93% access to internet at home
54% unexpected £100 expense no problem
25% unexpected £100 expense a bit of a problem
12% unexpected £100 expense a big problem 8% unexpected £100 expense impossible
26% 1st SIMD quintile
23% 2nd SIMD quintile
20% 3rd SIMD quintile
17% 4th SIMD quintile 14% 5th SIMD quintile
Detail about survey respondents that cannot be compared to baseline data
Type of area lived in 18% live in a city
39% live in a town
16% live in a suburb
26% live in a village/rural area 1% live on an island
Employment ** 43% retired
32% employed
4% self-employed
1% furloughed because of COVID-19
2% unemployed
1% looking after home or family
18% not working because of long-term condition or disability
1% in education 2% something else
Caring 5% caring for an adult (16+) on the shielding list 0.3% caring for a child (under 16) on the shielding list
Ethnicity 98.7% white
0.5% Mixed
0.3% Asian
0.2% African, Caribbean or Black 0.3% Other ethnic group
Health condition[5] 30% have a physical disability
35% have chronic pain lasting at least 3 months
75% have another long term condition
15% have a mental health condition
8% have deafness or severe hearing impairment
2% have blindness or severe vision impairment 2% have a learning disability
Additional support needs 1% do not speak English as a first language
9% need help to complete forms 3% need help with reading



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