Coronavirus (COVID-19): Covid Recovery Strategy Programme Board - programme approach

How we will work alongside local government and more widely to ensure the actions of the Covid Recovery Strategy are delivered.

Key workstream: evidence


Partners in the programme will develop frameworks and indicators that draw out the link between individual actions, short and medium term outputs and long term outcomes. Data will be gathered to monitor and evaluate impact. These will be embedded in the delivery of actions under the strategy. Published data will evidence impact.


There is a clear framework to measure impact. Actions supporting the outcomes of the strategy are planned, funded, scoped and delivered within a clear link to these outcomes, enhancing the impact on outcomes for those most affected by Covid, and hastening recovery.

Joint analytical work will be coordinated between the Scottish Government and the Improvement Service to support and advise the Covid Recovery Strategy Programme Board. The Improvement Service are experienced in using research and data to inform local government’s policy-making, decision-making and to drive improvement. We will also draw on relevant expertise wherever available, for example bringing in public health colleagues.

Analytical work will also draw on insights from the independently-chaired National Collaboration Board as well as the COVID-19 Learning and Evaluation Board. The National Collaboration Board will provide welcome advice and challenge on progress towards delivering the actions and outcomes of the Covid Recovery Strategy. The COVID-19 Learning and Evaluation Board will support the work of recovery by synthesising evidence and learning from our response to the pandemic and drawing on international experiences.

Evidence and insight will be used firstly to monitor and evaluate, the impact of individual actions in the strategy on short, medium and long-term outcomes. This will allow us to understand what is impactful, and to adjust approaches accordingly. 

Secondly, the monitoring approach will provide a framework between the actions of the strategy and progress towards outcomes. It will provide a basis for how we incorporate outcome measurement and management into programme and service planning across delivery partners.

A reporting structure for analysis and outcome monitoring will be agreed by the Covid Recovery Strategy Programme Board. This will enable delivery partners to better understand progress that is being made and analysis may be used to share examples of innovative practice.


In the first six months, we will:

  • establish an analytical group formed of Scottish Government analysts and the Improvement Service
  • develop a framework of indicators for each of the outcomes within the Covid Recovery Strategy in partnership with the Improvement Service and others
  • design a programme of analytical reporting and deep dives and agree a publication and reporting schedule for these

Thereafter, we will:

  • report regularly on core indicators
  • conduct regular deep dives on data around specific topics
  • publish analytical updates to support collective understanding of achieving the outcomes of the Covid Recovery Strategy and accelerate progress where possible
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