Contribution to international development report: 2017-2018

First ever Contribution to International Development Report takes a holistic look at a wide cross-section of Scottish Government international development activity, and presents it within the context of the UN Global Goals.

Chapter Five - Small Grants Programme

Corra Foundation logo

5.1. Introduction

The Scottish Government's annual Small Grants Programme is funded through the development assistance funding stream of the IDF. This Programme is administered by Corra Foundation and continues to be developed each year by the Scottish Government, in partnership with Scotland's International Development Alliance and the Scotland Malawi Partnership.

It is designed to accommodate smaller funding requests and so project grants of up to £60,000 are available for over a three-year period. A maximum of £10,000 for feasibility and capacity building grants is also available, to cover a one-year period.

All of these projects are summarised in Annex C and an example of each type of Small Grant is discussed below:

5.2 Twende Pamoja Project Grant

This project offers support to improve the information and communication technology skills of teachers, and in turn pupils, in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania.


Twende Pamoja Project Grant

Infographic text:

4 Quality Education
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
10 Reduced Inequalities
13 Climate Action

5.2.1 Contribution to Development 2017-2018

The project has reached over 1,500 pupils and 69 teachers, improving their information and communication technology skills. In addition, the teachers communicated that there is currently a climate change focus in Tanzania and so an Environment and Climate Change aspect has been included in the education.

5.3. Zambia Therapeutic Feasibility Grant


3 Good Health and Well-being

Infographic text:

3 Good Health and Well-being

This project conducted a feasibility study to explore 'Therapeutic Art' as an alternative psychological intervention for those experiencing mental health issues in Zambia.

5.3.1. Contribution to Development 2017-2018

This project helped determine feasibility through strong monitoring and evaluation, which determined that:

  • Two Zambian trainers had completed their stage 2 training and assessment.
  • Four more trainees are expected to have achieved trainer status by August 2018.
  • The project has strong links with an upcoming capacity building project and there is interest in expanding the project to Malawi if the final results are positive.

5.4. Yes! Tanzania Capacity Building Grant


3 Good Health and Well-being

Infographic text:

3 Good Health and Well-being

Yes! Tanzania helps community sports organisations located in the most disadvantaged urban areas of Tanzania be sustainable, more effective and to reach more young people.

5.4.1 Contribution to Development 2017-2018

The project has built capacity by:

  • Training staff on project management and full cost recovery for future grant applications.
  • Creating an operations manual.
  • Creating fundraising documentation, which helped increase regular donations from £10 a month to £260 per month.

See Annex C for the complete list of projects funded.


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