Consideration of climatic factors within Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Guidance on the consideration of climatic factors within Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), developed by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).


8.1 Different PPS will have a variety of impacts on climate change, depending on their subject, level of detail, geographic area and the specific environmental challenges within that area.

8.2 Figure 6 can help with consideration of whether a PPS is likely to lead to significant effects in relation to climatic factors. Answering affirmatively to any of the questions outlined in the table below could be an indication that the PPS is likely to lead to significant effects, either positive or negative, in relation to climatic factors. However, it is important to remember the table is not exhaustive and influences of the PPS not captured by this table could have significant environmental effects. Figures 9 - 12 (later in the guidance) may also help to determine whether a PPS is likely to have significant environmental effects.

Climate Change Mitigation

Climate Change Adaptation

  • Can the PPS affect greenhouse gas emissions in the key sectors of: energy, transport, business, agriculture, residential and waste management?
  • Can the PPS affect travel patterns, including the number and length of journeys made and the mode of travel
  • Can the PPS protect or impact on the use/disturbance of carbon rich soils?
  • Can the PPS affect the generation of energy from renewable sources?
  • Can the PPS affect the energy efficiency of buildings?
  • Can the PPS affect opportunities for the development of low carbon business and low carbon technologies?
  • Can the PPS increase or decrease waste, particularly waste disposed to landfill?
  • Can the PPS impact on use of building materials?
  • Can the PPS influence the location and design of new developments, critical infrastructure and public services, ensuring they are not at risk of flooding?
  • Can the PPS influence the location and design of new development in areas - particularly on the coast - subject to erosion?
  • Can the PPS impact on the use of water, including water supply in times of drought?
  • Can the PPS impact on the management of water systems, including drainage?
  • Can the PPS influence the location and design of new development to be resilient to storms?
  • Can the PPS influence the protection of existing infrastructure, including essential services, from risks such as flooding, erosion and storm damage?
  • Can the PPS impact on ecosystem services (e.g. natural flood management, maintaining soil carbon)?
  • Can the PPS impact on habitat networks and corridors for the movement of species?

Figure 6 - Potential influences of PPS on climatic factors

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