
Community Justice Performance Framework

This Framework is published under s18(4)(a) of the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016, and replaces the Outcomes, Improvement and Performance Framework. Community justice partners will use the framework’s nationally determined outcomes and indicators to support local planning and reporting.

The National Indicators

Indicators are standardised, quantitative measures that demonstrate movement and whether progress is being made over time.

There are 10 national indicators in the CJPF, which are to be used to measure performance in achieving the nationally determined outcomes.

Aligned to each nationally determined outcome there is a national indicator, to be used to measure performance against it. There is also one national indicator that can be used to demonstrate performance against the suite of outcomes at a higher level.

Where possible, national indicator data will be centrally sourced by the Scottish Government and disaggregated to local partners. This should allow community justice partnerships to focus on delivery and improvement, and ensure that the data used are high quality and consistent.

It should be noted that, at the point of publication in 2023, arrangements for sourcing the data required for some of the national indicators were still being made, with a view to making this available prior to the first reporting cycle using the revised CJPF. The current status of this work is available in the accompanying Guidance and Technical Notes document, along with further specific information on the national indicators.



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