
Care Home Data Review: workshop summary

Summary of the issues raised and solutions suggested at the Care Home Data Review workshop held on 14 March 2023.

Issues with data sharing

There were general concerns that the data people needed was not always accessible to them, or systems were not accessible. The lack of data sharing contributes to this, together with timeliness of what data sharing is currently in place. Delays with data sharing can mean that by the time data systems are accessed, the point at which you can achieve a meaningful outcome has passed.

The frustration with the current lack of sharing was clear:

“Data to be shared rather than telling 3 folk how many beds are available in 3 different forms - phone, email and online”

“Collect once and reuse many times”

By agreeing questions and definitions between organisations / data collections, and sharing data between them, the number of data returns could be significantly reduced. Eventually, there could be just one place of data input.

Suggested improvements to data sharing

  • improved information governance procedures to allow data sharing between organisations working towards the same cause. “Robust data sharing agreements”
  • sharing data back with those who provided it
  • linking systems to ease data sharing (& collecting)
  • providing care homes with access to social work & health info on people using services 'would be transformative on outcomes'


If you have any questions about the contents of this document, please contact the Care Home Data Review team at

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