Early learning and childcare expansion: BRIA

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) relating to the expansion of early learning and childcare for 1140 hours per year for all 3 and 4 year olds, and eligible 2 year olds by August 2020.

7. Test run of business forms

7.1 There may be some changes to the forms that providers are required to complete in order to become, or remain, a funded provider.

7.2 Any changes to forms will be within the context of the commitment to simplifying the process for, and reducing the burden on, providers to deliver the funded entitlement.

7.3 As set out in Transition Options Guidance on Contracting, Scotland Excel will work with providers and local authorities to develop template documentation and guidance, which will be available later in 2019. The Transition Options guidance also highlights that in the first instance, the following points may be considered within any documentation:

  • Simplified documentation and forms should be used wherever possible;
  • Private and third sector providers should not need to duplicate their work if existing evidence will show they are meeting the National Standard. For example, information requested by the Care Inspectorate should not need to be changed if it can be submitted in its current format and still show how the setting is meeting the National Standard
  • Applications should be easy to submit, for example, electronically
  • The method for receiving questions during the process should be clearly stated within the documentation and at any training events prior to opening the application process.


Email: katrina.troake@gov.scot

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