Early learning and childcare expansion: BRIA

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) relating to the expansion of early learning and childcare for 1140 hours per year for all 3 and 4 year olds, and eligible 2 year olds by August 2020.

11. Implementation and delivery plan

11.1 It is intended that the Order (No.1) will take force from 1 August 2019. This is before the full roll out of 1140 hours across Scotland is complete. This will support local authorities to provide with more flexibility on session lengths, and to test new delivery models, during the phasing period and in preparation for full implementation of 1140 hours.

11.2 The Scottish Government is confident that providers can offer quality ELC over longer sessions. However, the National Standard will provide an opportunity to monitor the impact of modifying the minimum framework through Care Inspectorate evaluations and through the Scottish Study of ELC which will include exploration of the number of hours a child attends a setting per day and the number of days per week.

11.3 This will allow us to ascertain whether there is any correlation between session length/ frequency and developmental outcomes. The Scottish Government will modify Section 51 of the 2014 Act if there is evidence of a detrimental impact on children’s wellbeing and outcomes.

11.4 It is intended that the Order (No.2) will take force from 1 August 2020.

11.5 All local authorities have developed detailed expansion plans to ensure that they will be able to continue to meet their statutory duties. These plans were reviewed by the Scottish Government Delivery Team in 2017, and the multi-year funding settlement was based on the supporting finance templates prepared by authorities (and submitted in March 2018).

11.6 The Improvement Service is collecting regular delivery progress data including capacity data, workforce expansion, capital projects, and involvement of funded providers to measure our progress to 2020.

11.7 We have in place rigorous joint governance and programme management arrangements culminating in the Joint Delivery Board co-chaired by the Minister for Children and Young People and Councillor McCabe, COSLA Spokesperson for Children and Young People.


Email: katrina.troake@gov.scot

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