
Business continuity: strategic guidance for NHS health boards

This guidance focuses on the strategic high level aspects of business continuity management which allows for local interpretation on how each health board in Scotland delivers at an operational level to suit their business needs.

Section 4: Business Continuity Management Principles

4.1 BCM adopts the principle of building on what already exists within an organisation, including standardising approaches to Crisis Management and integrating existing response mechanisms into a clear, formal strategy. BCM ensures these are integrated into a formal process to enable a faster and more effective response and recovery to disruption.

4.2 NHS Boards and organisations should have a BC policy that will[14]:

  • Prioritise any urgent functions / activities;
  • Identify the risks and threats to critical and essential services, functions and assets, and how they will be mitigated and protected respectively;
  • Provide activation procedures, escalation processes, roles and responsibilities of staff;
  • Outline incident response solutions and resources required to deal with the disruption at various stages;
  • Include recovery steps and target timescales to return the service to normal operation;
  • Highlight how the plan will be maintained;
  • Set arrangements for communicating BC arrangements to staff and enabling them to understand their roles and responsibilities.

4.3 The Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat Guidance[15] and the recognised Integrated Emergency Management (IEM) approach, the following six activities are fundamental to an integrated approach:

  • anticipation;
  • assessment;
  • prevention;
  • preparation;
  • response;
  • recovery management.



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