Attainment Scotland Fund 2022 to 2026 evaluation: analytical plan - year 1 (2022/23)

First annual evaluation plan for the Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) 2022-26 which covers 2022-23, the first year of the refreshed Scottish Attainment Challenge. This is a companion document to the ASF Evaluation Strategy 2022-26, published in November 2022.

Section 1: Introduction


The evaluation of the Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) aims to provide learning about the overall implementation of the refreshed ASF and the extent to which progress has been made towards meeting intended outcomes articulated in the Scottish Attainment Challenge Logic Model in support of the refreshed programme mission.

The Strategy

The Evaluation Strategy for the Attainment Scotland Fund 2022-2026 sets out the broad terms of the Scottish Government's approach to evaluating the ASF during this parliamentary term.

The Strategy has been designed following the refresh of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, launched in March 2022, with its new Mission:

'To use education to improve outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty with a focus on tackling the poverty-related attainment gap to deliver on the Scottish Government's vision of equity and excellence in education.'

The Strategy proposes analytical activity related to four key strands of evaluation focus across the multi-year evaluation:

  • Process evaluation to consider implementation of the refreshed Attainment Scotland Fund, including Strategic Equity Fund, Pupil Equity Fund and Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund;
  • A thematic strand of evaluation which will respond to emerging system priorities and consider 'what works, for whom and in what circumstances'.
  • Reporting on the National Improvement Framework (NIF) measures;
  • Evaluation of the impact of ASF, through a combination of qualitative and quantitative measures.

Analytical plan

A detailed analytical plan outlining activity in support of the high level strategy will be published annually[1] which takes account of the new evaluation approach highlighted in the Strategy.

This document provides the plan for the first year of the Attainment Scotland Fund 2022 – 2026 evaluation. It is underpinned by the revised Logic Model, and builds on learning from the previous evaluation.

Publications that arise from the detailed analytical plan will aim to be accessible to all those with an interest in education in Scotland and beyond; including children and young people, teachers, support workers, parents, public bodies, and third sector organisations. Prior to publication and where work is taken forward on a collaborative basis, careful consideration will be given to document accessbility, how publications are presented for different audiences and onward dissemination.



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